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How to separate the object from the background from the image

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
These are the images sample that I requires to separate the object (in this case it is the letter 'A' ) with its background and store them for further processing so that it will form like this afterwards, which means I need to make the letter such that it could clearly seen the outline and the pixel occupied by it on the image pixels.
Note: it is sign language example.
Hope that someone could guide me what to do next or example code. Thank you,

Respuesta aceptada

Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 9 de Mayo de 2021
background = grayImage == 255;
foreground = ~background;
  3 comentarios
Tuck Wai Yip
Tuck Wai Yip el 15 de Mayo de 2021
It is because I need to compare the pixels detected by the thresholding algorithm, Sauvola for next step and calculate the (pixel detected by sauvola algorithm)/ (original pixel of A) for the zeta.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 15 de Mayo de 2021
I don't know what sauvola is, or means. Same for zeta.
The foreground and background are already saved into those variables. If you want them saved for after the loop, you can save them into a cell array or a 3-D array.
To count the number of "true" pixels in the thresholded images you can use nnz():
numForegroundPixels = nnz(foreground);
numBackgroundPixels = nnz(background);

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