Problem 699. Reading Web Binary Files (jpg,pdf,tiff,png)

The Challenge is to access a Web binary file, a PDF in this case, and provide the value of a specific byte.


Accessing files on the web provide multiple challenges due to the data structures being text or binary.

The functions urlread and urlwrite both access web files but provide different results for binary files. (jpg, pdf, tiff, png, ppt)


fname 'http://some valid location/file.pdf'

n The byte for which the value is being requested.

Output: Value of the byte, an integer ranging from 0 to 255


A solution exists in the test suite to show the different data created by urlread and urlwrite for binary data.

A urlreadbin can be readily created to directly push the file to an array.

Solution Stats

30.61% Correct | 69.39% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Apr 30, 2023

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