MATLAB Central Turns Fifteen
In 2016 we celebrated the 15 year anniversary of MATLAB Central. Since its beginning, millions of community members (that's you) have shared code, solved problems, and worked together to make this community the world's number one place for MATLAB and Simulink resources. Congratulations and thank you! We are delighted and humbled by all you have done.

Happy Birthday MATLAB Central!
MATLAB Central is the modern home of a robust and generous culture of MATLAB users that has existed for more than 30 years. In the fall of 2001, our job was to bring that MATLAB community into the web age.

A Wonderful Celebration!
To commemorate this anniversary, we created two MATLAB Central-themed games. We awarded prizes to top performers and randomly gave out prizes to qualified participants. We made the games even more exciting by basing our donations to the following three charities on your participation.
Based on your participation we raised $2,500 for each of the charities.
Total Donation to Charities

MATLAB Central Scavenger Hunt
Total finishers: 3497
The hunt is over! One hundred community members were randomly selected to receive a MathWorks hat or T-shirt.

MATLAB Central Triathlon
Total players: 1367
The Triathlon has ended. Thanks for competing in the 15-Year Anniversary Trathlon and congratulations to our winners!!
Check out the MATLAB Central Community
An open exchange for the MATLAB and Simulink Community
A place where you can get answers, challenge yourself and others, and share your knowledge.
Tap into the knowledge and experience of over 100,000 community members and MathWorks employees.
More from the Blogs

Going Way Back with MATLAB Central
Communities don’t blossom in one night. MATLAB’s rich community has been growing steadily for many years, and today I want to give you an idea of just how long. I bet it’s longer than you think!

Top Files and Authors
As you may know by now, MATLAB Central is celebrating its 15th birthday. Let's start by making it a File Exchange based birthday cake!

The Pentium Papers — My First MATLAB Central Contribution
My first contribution to the File Exchange was not MATLAB software, but rather a collection of documents that I called the Pentium Papers.

Fifteen Years of MATLAB Central Memories!
Wow! It's been fifteen years since MATLAB Central was set up for the MATLAB community! What a crazy and wonderful time it's been.

15 Questions: Chad Greene
As part of the MATLAB Central 15th Anniversary Celebration we thought it would be interesting to have a series of interviews with key contributors to MATLAB Central. Naturally we thought 15 questions seemed appropriate.

Ten years of MATLAB blogging
This year also marks my tenth year of blogging. I still remember in 2005 when my friend Ned Gulley asked me, “Hey Steve, what do you think about writing a blog for MATLAB Central?” Two thoughts passed immediately through my head.