Explore las características y funcionalidades de MATLAB y Simulink a través de vídeos, ejemplos, material de referencia del software y otros recursos.
Automatización Industrial y Maquinaria
Computer Vision
- Control de caída
- Control de motores
- Introducción a los modelos de pila de combustible
- Puente activo dual
Estadística y Machine Learning
- Algoritmo de Machine Learning para clasificación (SVM)
- Análisis predictivo
- Autocodificadores
- Aprendizaje supervisado
- Derivados financieros
- Deep Learning (Aprendizaje profundo)
- Inteligencia artificial (IA)
- Introducción a las prácticas de MLOps
- Machine Learning (Aprendizaje automático)
- Mantenimiento predictivo
- MATLAB frente a R
- Números aleatorios
- Programación lineal
- Puesta en marcha virtual
- Redes neuronales convolucionales
- Red neuronal recurrente
- Regresión lineal
- Simulación Monte Carlo
- Sobreajuste
- Transfer Learning
Finanzas Computacionales
- Basilea III
- Modelo de valoración de activos financieros (CAPM)
- IFRS 9 (NIIF 9)
- Renta fija
- Riesgo crediticio
- Solvencia II
- Swing Trading
Generación y verificación de código
Modelado basado en eventos
Modelado Físico
Motor y Control de Potencia
Procesado de imagen
Procesado De Señal y Comunicaciones
- 6G
- Eliminación de ruido
- Beamforming
- Banda ultra ancha (UWB)
- Convolución
- Curva ROC
- Descomposición empírica en modos
- Filtro paso alto
- Filtro paso bajo
- Procesamiento digital de señales
- Radio definida por software (SDR)
- Red inalámbrica
Producción de Energía
Robótica y sistemas autónomos
Sistemas de Control
- Control PID
- Diagrama de bode
- Diagrama de estado
- Lógica de control
- Respuesta en frecuencia
- Teoría de colas
- Modelización y simulación
- Software de simulación
- Sistemas Dinámicos
- Soporte de Simulink para hardware integrado
- Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
Verificación, validación y prueba
Visión artificial
Análisis de texto
Code Generation and Verification
Computational Biology
Computational Finance
- AI in Finance
- Backtesting
- Binomial Model
- Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
- Climate Stress Test
- Cointegration
- Commodities Trading
- Concentration Risk
- Counterparty Credit Risk
- Credit Derivatives
- Credit Risk
- Credit Scoring Model
- Equity Trading
- Financial Derivatives
- Fixed Income
- Fraud Analytics
- GARCH Models
- High-Frequency Trading
- Liquidity Risk
- Market Risk
- Momentum Trading
- Operational Risk
- Portfolio Optimization
- Predictive Modeling
- Smart Beta
- Statistical Arbitrage
- Swap Curve
- Swing Trading
- Time Series Regression
- Transaction Cost Analysis
- Yield Curve
- Zero Curve
Computer Vision
Control Systems
- Battery Management Systems (BMS)
- Battery Modeling
- Battery Pack Design
- Battery State of Charge
- Battery Thermal Management System
- BLDC Motor Control
- Clarke and Park Transforms
- DC-DC Converter Control
- Droop Control
- Dual Active Bridge
- Field-Oriented Control
- Field-Weakening Control
- Fuel Cell Model
- Grid-Forming Inverter
- Grid-Tied Inverter
- Hydrogen Electrolyzer
- Induction Motor Speed Control
- Microgrid Control
- Motor Control
- Motor Modeling and Simulation
- MPPT Algorithm
- Power Electronics Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) Testing
- Power Electronics Simulation
- Power Factor Correction
- Power System Simulation and Optimization
- Space Vector Modulation (SVM)
- Small-Signal Analysis
Energy Production
Event-Based Modeling
Financial Services
FPGA, ASIC, and System-on-Chip
Image Processing and Mapping
Industrial Automation and Machinery
Medical Devices
Partial Differential Equations
Physical Modeling
Real-Time Simulation and Testing
Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS)
- Arduino Programming
- Cloud Robotics
- Cobots
- Cyber-Physical Systems
- Drone Mapping
- Drone Programming
- Drone Simulation
- Inertial Navigation System
- Inverse Kinematics
- Lidar
- Path Planning
- Raspberry Pi Programming
- Robot Programming
- Robot Simulation
- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)
Signal Processing and Communications
- 6G
- Bandpass Filter
- Beamforming
- Bluetooth Interference
- Bluetooth Mesh
- Channel Model
- Convolution
- Denoising
- Digital Signal Processing
- DVB-S2
- Electronically Steered Array (ESA) Radar
- Empirical Mode Decomposition
- Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
- Filter Design
- GPU Signal Processing Algorithms
- High-Pass Filter
- How Radars Work
- Link Budget
- Logic Analyzer
- Low-Pass Filter
- LTE Tutorial
- Massive MIMO
- mmWave
- Modal Analysis
- Multi-Object Tracking
- Notch Filter
- Oscilloscope Software
- Parametric Equalizer (EQ)
- Quantization
- Radar System Design
- RF System
- S-Parameter
- SerDes (Serializer/Deserializer)
- Signal Integrity
- Software-Defined Radio
- Spectrum Analyzer Software
- Stream Processing
- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
- Ultra-Wideband (UWB)
- Wavelet Transforms
- Wireless Network
- Wireless Transceiver
Statistics and Machine Learning
- AdaBoost
- Anomaly Detection
- Artificial Intelligence
- Autoencoders
- AutoML
- ChatGPT
- Cluster Analysis
- Condition Monitoring
- Convolutional Neural Network
- Cross-Validation
- Deep Learning
- Feature Selection
- Feature Engineering
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
- Ground Truth
- Interpretability
- Linear Model
- Linear Regression
- Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks
- Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Models
- Manufacturing Analytics
- MATLAB vs. R
- MLOps
- Monte Carlo Simulation
- Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)
- Neural Network
- Nonlinear Model
- Nonlinear Regression
- Overfitting
- Panel Data
- Predictive Analytics
- Predictive Maintenance
- Prescriptive Analytics
- Probability Distributions
- Prognostics and Health Management (PHM)
- Random Number
- Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
- Regularization
- ROC Curve
- Smoothing
- Supervised Learning
- Support Vector Machine (SVM)
- TinyML
- Transfer Learning
- Unsupervised Learning