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Conversaciones actualizadas
Primes and rough numbers, used constructively to search for large p...
How can we use roughness in an effective context to identify large primes? I can quickly think of quite a few examples where we might do so. Again, remember I will be looking for primes with not ...
Using MATLAB to find a generative equation for a sequence
This stems purely from some play on my part. Suppose I asked you to work with the sequence formed as 2*n*F_n + 1, where F_n is the n'th Fibonacci number? Part of me would not be surprised to find t...
Primes and rough numbers, use of MOD as a large scale test to exclu...
The GCD approach to identify rough numbers is a terribly useful one, well worth remembering. But at some point, I expect someone to notice that all work done with these massively large symbolic n...
Primes and rough numbers, using GCD as a test for roughness to excl...
Yes, some readers might now argue that I used roughness in a crazy way in my last post, in my approach to finding a large twin prime pair. That is, I deliberately constructed a family of integers...
- 80% of participants increased the monitor's brightness in dark mode [2]
- This occurred in both lit and dim rooms
- Dark mode did not reduce power draw but increasing monitor brightness did.
- BBC study: https://www.sicsa.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/LOCO2024_paper_12.pdf
- BBC blog article https://www.bbc.co.uk/rd/articles/2025-01-sustainability-web-energy-consumption
- 2021 Purdue https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3458864.3467682

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- The version in the Contents.m file (if there is one)
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- Examples of code both within the text and on a companion website
- End-of-chapter problems with an accompanying solutions manual for instructors
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