How many monitors or screens do you use on your main computer?
13 Comentarios
Twice the monitors, double the fall.
Have any other multi-monitor users had this problem? Sometimes I have multiple releases of Matlab running with the editor windows undocked from the command windows so that monitor 2 has two editor windows and monitor 1 has two command windows. The top of the command window clearly indicates the Matlab release but the undocked editor window does not. With multiple releases of Matlab running simultaneously, it's easy to lose track of which editor window corresponds to each command window and release. For example, I could step through an m-file in debug mode while watching for a specific output in the command window but I miss it and have to repeat the process because I was looking at the wrong command window. Or perhaps execution pauses at a conditional breakpoint in one editor window but I don't know which running release to go to without looking at execution status.
It would be nice if the editor also included the release version as the command window does at the top, left so it's easier to pair multi-windows between releases.
One. I am living the ultrawide monitor life... https://nothans.com/living-the-ultrawide-monitor-life