Image Analyst - MATLAB Central

Image Analyst

Last seen: Today Con actividad desde 2010

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Senior Scientist (male/man) and Inventor in one of the world's 10 largest industrial corporations doing image analysis full time. Ph.D. in Optical Sciences specializing in imaging, image processing, and image analysis. 44+ years of military, academic, and (mostly) industrial experience with image analysis programming and algorithm development. Experience designing custom light booths and other imaging systems. Experience with color and monochrome imaging, video analysis, thermal, ultraviolet, hyperspectral, CT, MRI, radiography, profilometry, microscopy, NIR and Raman spectroscopy, etc. on a huge variety of subjects. Member of the Mathworks Community Advisory Board. Be sure to click "View All" in my File Exchange to see ALL of my demos and tutorials: Professional Interests: Image analysis and processing

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Programming Languages:
MATLAB, Visual Basic
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Professional Interests:
Image Data Workflows, Industrial Statistics, Image Processing and Computer Vision


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Variable might be set by a nonscalar operator
If theta_deg is in degrees, you should be using the degrees version of cosine, not the radian version. In other words use cosd,...

3 días hace | 1

This erro occurred while cheking the code - "invalid use of operator"
Don't put single quotes around your variables. And you don't need the output arguments of the filenames. You can return the x_...

3 días hace | 0

Issues extracting fibers from an image
The attached demo, while not a complete solution for you, may be helpful in enhancing the fibers. Sorry, but it's all I have ...

4 días hace | 0

I want to detect leaf shape by line tracing.
Do a search of this forum for the tag "leaf". There are lots of examples. Basically you can probably segment the code by color...

5 días hace | 1

Can I generate a standalone app with a trial license
I'm pretty sure you cannot compile code into a standalone app with a trial license. And I think some of the cheaper licenses wo...

5 días hace | 0

How to make multiple lines of best fit into one scatter graph
See my attached demo. It does a piecewise linear fit over two sections, finding the best splitting point. You can adapt it to ...

5 días hace | 0

What plugins to be installed for MATLAB
I don't know what you want to do. If you're acquiring your images from some medical imaging instrument and bringing them to you...

6 días hace | 0

Programmatically setting a radio button from within App Designer
I wouldn't use eval. What if you just set the other buttons also if setting the one you want doesn't change the others automati...

6 días hace | 0

Can someone rectify this code?
When you do this: out=[(1:1:10) ' fsolve(@myfun, Q0) '] it's trying to take a vector [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] and append a strin...

9 días hace | 0

Plotting around zero deg. Angle
I think you have to convert to rectangular/cartesian coordinates. pol2cart might help. You can use XData and YData in imshow i...

15 días hace | 0

The surface area won't round to one decimal place and I don't know how to get rid of the 'e's.
To get some other format displayed other than the default one, you can try to use format. If none of those built-in formats are...

15 días hace | 0

MATLAB Optional Function Arguments
Try inputParser help inputParser

15 días hace | 0

edge detection and comparison
What I would do is this: First use a telecentric lens - not a regular lens. Then make sure the backgrounds are the same (lik...

17 días hace | 0

How do I process and display a 10 and 12 bit image in matlab?
Use [] to scale the actual data to whatever dynamic range your display can handle. For exampls imshow(snapshot2, [], "Parent",...

19 días hace | 0

How to make an subscript in this specific manner?
Put the max in braces: ylabel('$u_{max}$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',14);

19 días hace | 0

please help me to resolve this this
You're taking the largest blob in each frame. Display that blob all by itself to make sure that it's the same bubble blob risin...

21 días hace | 0

Find least binary palindrome greater than a natural number
Can't you just do b = dec2bin(d+1) If not, then I'm not sure what you want. I'm not sure how 17 is the smallest natural numbe...

23 días hace | 0

Activation a new computer
You can deactivate a computer you no longer have access to by logging in to your Mathworks account (avatar on the upper right). ...

23 días hace | 1

How do I solve this issue, Error using vertcat Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent. Error in (line 22) A = [G1 +G2 +G3 -G1 -G2;
Your top row of A has 5 elements (columns) and you're trying to put a row under it that has only 3 elements (columns). You can'...

24 días hace | 0

How do I project a map from the plane to a sphere?
Here is a demo for how to map an image onto a 2.5-D surface. The surface doesn't go all the way around in 3-D though. % Demo...

24 días hace | 0

what is the ebst way to learn analytical Plotting
Here is the link we usually give: Best way(s) to master MATLAB? - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central Lots of ideas in tthe above ...

24 días hace | 0

Compressing pixelated image blocks into array
Get rid of ones(). Hopefully this well commented demo will explain since it covers three scenarios. @Sushruta Chandramouli I t...

24 días hace | 0

Compressing pixelated image blocks into array
Just get rid of the ones() in your fun definition: fun = @(block_struct) mean2(*ones(size(

24 días hace | 0

why is my cell array being read as char
Are you sure you're getting the class of the whole cell array instead of the class of one of the contents of one cell in the arr...

28 días hace | 0

How do I add generated audio to a silent video?
Did you see

29 días hace | 0

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Grain boundary analysis of images
You might try taking the darkest pixel in each image to combine them. Try this code: % Demo by Image Analyst % Initialization...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

| aceptada

Create boundaries in an image based on porosity
Try this: % Demo by Image Analyst % Initialization steps: clc; % Clear the command window. close all; % Close all figure...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

i have a matlab code with 3 for loops, in last for loop , there is threshold based penalization. i want trace some variables in that code and compare with plot
Make sure the variables you want to write out to the CSV file are all matrices (so you need to to create pout1 and put2 and inde...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

| aceptada

How to connect broken lines, but no enlarge line width?
Try this to completely fill the rectangle as you asked (untested - post before image separately if you want me to test it): aft...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

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