Amal Raj
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I am an Associate in EDG at MathWorks. My major responsibilities is to provide the best support I can to customers in domains such as ML, Deep learning, Full stack development etc... at MathWorks. DISCLAIMER: Any advice or opinions here are my own, and in no way reflect that of MathWorks.
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How to plot interpolated temperature of a sphere in 2-D?
Hi Charilaos, To plot the temperature as a function of altitude, you can interpolate the temperature values onto the slice of t...
más de 1 año hace | 0
ifanbeam on fanbeam data recorded at different fan rotation increments
Hi Kalvik, Yes, it is possible, you will need to use the fan2para function to convert your fanbeam projection data from fanbeam...
más de 1 año hace | 1
define objective function based on regression model
In both cases, you are adding a constant term of 0.01804 to the predicted value before squaring it. It is not clear why you are ...
más de 1 año hace | 0
'drawfreehand()' not working for lenovo touchscreen in appdesigner
I have reproduced the issue. The touchscreen isn't working when axes/uiaxes are place on a uifigure, which App Designer uses. I ...
más de 1 año hace | 0
how to set hyperparameter to vector type in Experiment Manager
In the Experiment Manager in MATLAB, hyperparameters can only be set to scalar values, not vector values. However, you can work ...
más de 1 año hace | 0
How do I display a circuit using App designer?
To display a circuit in an App Designer MATLAB GUI, you can use the axes component and plot the circuit using standard MATLAB pl...
más de 1 año hace | 0
How to protect a subsystem but still change it programmatically?
If you want to protect a subsystem in Simulink but still be able to update it programmatically, you can use a protected model re...
más de 1 año hace | 0
App Designer return from function if ui directory is closed using uiopen
If I understand your question correctly, you want to detect if the directory selected by the user using uiopen has been closed/e...
más de 1 año hace | 0
Reason for Simulink.BusElement objects no longer supporting the SampleTime property
The decision to remove Simulink's SampleTime property. BusElement objects were made to make it easier to handle sample times in ...
más de 1 año hace | 0
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Got a problem in cdtgrid function.
Hi I believe there is a problem with the arguments of 'cdtgrid'. Try replacing it with the code below. tas_regrid = cdtgrid()....
más de 1 año hace | 0
Find the curvature of the curve traced out by the function r(t)=〈 t^2, 5t-1, 2t^3 -t 〉 at t=1.
Hi, Here is the corrected code: syms t f = t^2; g = (5*t) - 1; h = 2*t^3 - t; r = [f, g, h]; % r(t) dr = diff(r, t); ...
más de 1 año hace | 0
Random forest slow optimization
Hi, s = RandStream('mlfg6331_64'); reset(s); options = statset("UseParallel",true,"UseSubstreams",true,"Streams",s); ...
más de 1 año hace | 0
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Warnings when Drawing Figures in App Designer
This should override the renderer to painter: app.UIAxes.Renderer = 'painters';
más de 1 año hace | 0
Deploy Simulink model to Arduino using App designer
Hi Daniele, Here's a rundown of the steps you can take to build a standalone app that runs Simulink models on external Arduino ...
más de 1 año hace | 0
Regression Leaner App , data structure for multiple sensors and input possibility?
Yes, it is possible to account for the slight variations in each sensor and develop a general model that can be adjusted by the ...
más de 1 año hace | 0
How can I transfer data from an UItable to de app code? in order to use that data for another calculus
Hi Giulia global tabla tabla = app.UITable.Data; h = cell2mat(tabla(:,1)); tP = cell2mat(tabla(:,2)); tT = cell2mat(tabla(:...
más de 1 año hace | 0
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How to find the variable that minimize the root mean squared error between a known vetor and the multiplication of this variable and an another known vector?
Hi 奥 刘, You can use linear regression to find a. Please refer this example below: N = 100; % Example value for N x = linspac...
más de 1 año hace | 0
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How do I make a simple table in MatLab? Skew function?
table_a = readtable('Data1.xlsx'); % Calculate mean, median, and skew mean_students = mean(table_a.students); median_stud...
más de 1 año hace | 0
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timer period resolution issue
Hi Rakesh, You can check out timer. ExecutionMode can be set to 'fixedRate', so that the timer generates events at a fixed rat...
más de 1 año hace | 0
How to convert symbolic output to numeric value in Symbolic Math Toolbox?
Hi, You can use the vpa function to convert the symbolic expression to a numerical value with a specified number of digits. Th...
más de 1 año hace | 0
How to use if/then to create a vector using values from a table.
Hi Macy, Because it avoids the loop, this is an efficient method of obtaining your desired table. table_a = readtable('Data1.x...
más de 1 año hace | 1
Dropdown in AppDesigner Callingback when Selecting the Same Value
Hi Bowei, These may be some workarounds. You might use a list box rather than a drop-down menu. The ClickedFcn callback in a ...
más de 1 año hace | 1
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Connection between app designer and simulink
Hi Aidam, You can refer this link, which can help you automatically generate a mlapp for simulink models and modify it for yo...
más de 1 año hace | 0
this is the app designer file im working on the right interface works but the left interface of after importing the image isnt working can anyone plz help me fix it
Hello Jana, a=(app.Image); f1=fspecial('average',[5,5]); % N-D filtering of multidimensional images i2=imfilter(a,...
casi 2 años hace | 0