
Daniel Pereira

Last seen: 5 meses hace Con actividad desde 2013

Followers: 1   Following: 0


Industrial Engineer, with more than 10 years experience in power plants modelling, and H2020 innovation projects.

Programming Languages:
Python, PHP, Javascript, MATLAB, HTML, CSS, Visual Basic
Spoken Languages:
English, Spanish


  • MATLAB Flipbook Mini Hack Participant
  • MATLAB Mini Hack Participant
  • Thankful Level 1
  • Knowledgeable Level 1
  • Cody Challenge Master
  • Number Manipulation II Master
  • Personal Best Downloads Level 4
  • First Review
  • Famous
  • Treasure Hunt Participant
  • MATLAB Central Treasure Hunt Finisher
  • Draw Letters

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Mechanical Advantage of a Gear Train
Calculate the mechanical advantage of a gear train. The mechanical advantage of a gear couple is given by MA = T_o/T_i where ...

9 meses hace


Magnitude of Balancing Force
A box weighing W1 pounds is placed where its center of mass is located d1 ft from the fulcrum. A balancing force is placed at th...

9 meses hace


Area Conversion 1

9 meses hace


Mass Conversion 1

9 meses hace


Energy Conversion 2

9 meses hace


Current through resistor
Three resistors (R2, R3, R4) are connected in parallel as shown in the figure. If this combination is connected in series with ...

9 meses hace


Calculate Parallel Resistance
Three resistors connected in parallel have resistances R1, R 2, and R 3, respectively. Return the total resistance R total of ...

9 meses hace


Resistance of a light bulb
The current through two identical light bulbs connected in series is C Amperes. The total voltage across both bulbs is V Volts....

9 meses hace


Electrical Diode Current Calculation
In engineering, there is not always a single equation that describes a phenomenon accurately enough to be applied in all instanc...

9 meses hace


An Ohm's Law Calculator
*BACKGROUND / MOTIVATION:* Many important observations in math and science can be described by short, but powerful, equations...

9 meses hace


Potential energy calculation

9 meses hace


Velocity Conversion
Given a velocity in mph, convert it to km/h. Round the answer to the fourth decimal place.

9 meses hace


Force and Motion 3
Two robots push on a large object in the same direction. One robot pushes with a force of F1 Newtons and the other with a force...

9 meses hace


Force and Motion 2
Two robots are pulling on an object in opposite directions. One robot pulls with a force of F1 Newtons and the other with a forc...

9 meses hace


Laws of motion 6

9 meses hace


Laws of motion 3

9 meses hace


Calculate the Levenshtein distance between two strings
This problem description is lifted from The Levenshtein distance between two...

9 meses hace


With apologies to William Blake
Coder Coder, typing fast Sitting at your desk, aghast. What immortal MATLAB script will solve this problem, nice and qu...

9 meses hace


Height of a right-angled triangle
Given numbers a, b and c, find the height of the right angled triangle with sides a and b and hypotenuse c, for the base c. If a...

9 meses hace

Error using sdo.SimulationTest/sim
I solved it for my model, running on a virtual Machine with Win10Pro 22H2. I have to point out that I do not know what exact ch...

9 meses hace | 0


what's my tax amount this year ?
given an annual salary x and a tax rate i calculate the amount that you have to pay.Example x = 70000; i=.10 y_correc...

9 meses hace


basic finance application
i watch bloomberg everyday and i want to estimate a stock price stability, so i have to calculate the momentum & the rate of cha...

9 meses hace


Matrix to vector transformation
given a matrix, make in the output 1 column vector putting odd numbers in ascending order after that put the even numbers in des...

9 meses hace


short or buy ? take the opportunity
you had already calculated a theoretical stock value, now you checked in bloomberg the quoted price of that stock and you have t...

9 meses hace


Problem 44444 !!! free beer everyone
just say hallelujah to solve this problem

9 meses hace


Calculate the answer to life the universe and everything

9 meses hace


Calculate the hypotenuse of a right triangle without using ^ and sqrt ()
Find out the hypotenuse of right triangle. Say a = 4, b = 3 then c = 5 Please don't use ^ and sqrt() function.

9 meses hace


How many hours are there in a day in Italy?
Remember "European Summer Time"

9 meses hace


Calculate cosine without cos(x)
Solve cos(x). The use of the function cos() and sin() is not allowed.

9 meses hace


Wind Rose
Graph and table for Direction-Intensity data

casi 2 años hace | 136 descargas |


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