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Nested function global variable
Hi, try this link: http://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/global.html
casi 9 años hace | 0
hi, if i have array=[89 130 150 180...],in 1st iteration i need to perform "1:array(1)",in 2nd iteration i need "array(1)+1 :array(2)",in 3rd iteration i need "array(2)+1 :array(3)" and so on,i tried a lot,plz help me
Hi, my suggestion is: do the first iteration outside the loop, the remaining can be done within: 1:array(1); % do ...
alrededor de 9 años hace | 0
How can I create m file with several properties?
Hi, try to start with this link: http://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/support-variable-number-of-inputs.html
más de 9 años hace | 0
R2015a no longer sets the path from pathdef.m upon startup
Hi, I had a similar problem with my new installation of 2014b. The Matlab support only suggested a work around ... My...
más de 9 años hace | 0
Return the 3n+1 sequence for n
A Collatz sequence is the sequence where, for a given number n, the next number in the sequence is either n/2 if the number is e...
más de 9 años hace
The Hitchhiker's Guide to MATLAB
Output logical "true" if the input is the answer to life, the universe and everything. Otherwise, output logical "false".
más de 9 años hace
State Transition with a time delay
Hi, you have to combine your two conditions with '&&'. That should solve your problem.
más de 9 años hace | 0
GUI buttons won't do anything?
Hi, my impression is, that you should call a script with the calculate button instead of writing the whole function there. ...
más de 9 años hace | 0
How do I store the x's, the v's and the F's from this for loop into an array??? pls and ty
Hi, I just modified your code so that you can store the values for x, v and F. x=zeros(1,61); v=zeros(1,61); F=zer...
más de 9 años hace | 3
Problem executing if and elseif statements
Hi, your first two elseif-statements should be changed to: 22.22>X(1,i) && X(1,i)>11.11 && X(1,i)<X(1,i-1) and ...
más de 9 años hace | 0
Location of maximum number in matrix??
Hi, you have to take the "double maximum", since your c gives a vector. Then you can use the find() function. >> c=max(m...
más de 9 años hace | 0
where to type 'ver' to get the lisence?
Hi, it is the Matlab command window. The window where the lines start with >>
más de 9 años hace | 1
how to save the value of each iteration in a loop for later use in the program?
Hi, use an additional counter and an array/vector for s. s will change its size in every iteration and Matlab will show you a...
más de 9 años hace | 0
How can I make my function accept vectors instead of scalars(I'm Really New to Matlab)
Hi, I modified you code so that vectors can be used as input. However, I am not sure, if I did it in the right way. It sho...
más de 9 años hace | 0
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for loop help matlab error
Hi, The error states clearly, that you try to access the 21st entry of Tc, but Tc has only 20 entries: i=i+1; Tc0=Tc(...
más de 9 años hace | 1
command to stop program if there is no enough input parameters?
Hi, include the return command to stop your program. http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/return.html
más de 9 años hace | 0
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stop a cycle when finds the right value
Hi, for leaving the loop you can use the break command. http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/break.html For finding...
más de 9 años hace | 0
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Unable to store function output in an other variable
Hi, if you want to have an output you have to change your script: function out = d2r(x) out = (x.*pi)./180 Now you...
más de 9 años hace | 0
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Open, Edit and Save Excel file with MATLAB
Hi, I did it like this: 1. Write data into the excel file (OutputTest) with xlswrite (it starts in cell F1 in Excel): ...
más de 9 años hace | 1
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How to import data from MATLAB into Excel, and then have Excel save the data
Hi, there exists the command xlswrite() http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/xlswrite.html Does this suit your...
más de 9 años hace | 0
Do I need a C-cpmplier?
Hi, Did you type mex -setup in your command window? If Matlab does not find a compiler, you need to install one. Here a...
más de 9 años hace | 0
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how to use if-else for select transition matrix input
Hi, I do not completely understand your problem, but you can write your conditions with a switch-case statement: functio...
más de 9 años hace | 0
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how can i convert a matlab code into c ...
Hi, there is a product from TMW to convert Matlab code into c code: http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab-coder/ind...
más de 9 años hace | 0
Undefined Function or variable...NewtonRalphson
Hi, y_value is the output of your first subfunction. You define the subfunction function y_value = find_y(x_value) ...
más de 9 años hace | 0
Simple question with saving a .jpeg
Hi, I guess if you write s.th. like that hf1=figure('Visible','Off') it should solve your problem.
más de 9 años hace | 0
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Invert matrix specific command
Hi, it rather looks to me that you need the inv() command http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/inv.html A = ...
más de 9 años hace | 0
Is it possible to convert a matlab code to the C code which can be run on DSK6713? If so please tell me, How to do the same?
Hi, there is a product from TMW to do that http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab-coder/index.html?s_tid=gn_loc_drop
más de 9 años hace | 0
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i get a wrong answer for my code, can someone please help!
Hi, I agree with Titus that the line DTC(i)=norm(xvals(i))+norm(yvals(i)); looks strange. Did you mean abs() here...
casi 10 años hace | 0
for loop iteration keeps previous vector length....why? please help
Hi, your problem is that indx_row has its greates length in the first loop iteration. This length is stored. After the first ...
casi 10 años hace | 0
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Get a 'for' loop to update itself by user input
Hi, try this: Initialize the variables at the beginning in the OpeningFcn: handles.a=hObject; handles.b= ... % ...
casi 10 años hace | 2