
Bhaskar R

Last seen: 11 días hace Con actividad desde 2017

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This repository contains MATLAB implementations of design patterns, inspired by the book Refactoring.Guru. The scripts were prep...

11 días hace | 2 descargas |


An array is given. Find the unique elements of the array. [keep the sequence unchanged]
An array is given. Find the unique elements of the array. [keep the sequence unchanged] For example if input x=[2 ,4 , 9 ,2 ,...

alrededor de 2 años hace

Select Structure Field Based on Variable
There is special notation to access structure or class field using parenthesis () of input string Structure.A = 5; Structure.B...

más de 2 años hace | 0

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Comparing a million data from csv files takes too much time
I assume, you want to calculate the number of nonzero difference data from one value to next to that value We can do without lo...

más de 2 años hace | 1

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passing argument between functions
Assign x, y, z output of polystep, that can make your requirement possible function [t,v, x, y, z] = polystep() x = input('pr...

más de 3 años hace | 0

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fliping of audio in GUI
>>fliped_voice = flip(myvoice) >>plot(fliped_voice) % if you want you want listen fliped version >>flv = audioplayer(fliped_v...

más de 3 años hace | 0

arrange equation results from min to max to use after
t = [2993;3975.9;5063;6150;6919;8192.7;8862;10240.9;11488;12409.63;13545] f = @(t) (2.2/9500).*((t/9500).^1.2).*exp(-((t/9500)....

más de 3 años hace | 0

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Create Plot Title of the Plotted Function
x = 0:.01:1; for i= 1:9 subplot(3,3,i) y = x.^i; plot(x, y, 'black') xlabel('x') ylabel('y') titl...

casi 5 años hace | 1

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Saving extracted audio files in a For loop
wor_dir = 'your_directory_path' for p = 1:3 startSample = n; endSample = length(data); extractedData = data(star...

casi 5 años hace | 0

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How to find and replace the content of an array
out = cellfun(@(x)datetime(x, 'Format','dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss'), input_cell)

casi 5 años hace | 0

How to sum the diagonal numbers and numbers after the diagonal of a matrix
function summa = halfsum(inp_mat) summa = zeros(2,1); % first element is sum of diagonal elements, second is sum of dia...

casi 5 años hace | 0

create zero column vector
zeros is the MATLAB function already, its not recommended to create again a function "createzerocolumnvector(x)", use direct com...

casi 5 años hace | 0

How to combine rows of cell array into corresponding single cell
c = cellfun(@(x, y){x,y}, a,b,'UniformOutput',false)

casi 5 años hace | 1

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Writing data to a file
fileid= fopen('data.dat','w'); fprintf(fileid, '%d\n', [1:20]'); fclose(fileid)

casi 5 años hace | 0

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for loop, multiple plots in single plot
Vi = 25; t1 = [0:0.1:86.3]; t2 = [0:0.1:13.5]; t3 = [0:0.1:13.5]; t4 = [0:0.1:6]; g = [0.58 3.7 3.71 8.87]; hPluto = Vi .*...

casi 5 años hace | 0

fprintf cell array of two classes
require = string(cell2mat(strcat(charArr,{' '}, num2str(doubArr))));

casi 5 años hace | 0

How to use 2 forloop in matlab?
required = output(1:51);

casi 5 años hace | 0

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fprintf handles.Value?
if handles.Value is a string fprintf(f,'%s',handles.Value); if handles.Value is a float value fprintf(f,'%3.2f',str2num(ha...

casi 5 años hace | 0

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How to get common sub string in cell array string?
fund_cell = regexp(cell_arr , 'A.A1', 'match'); result = [fund_cell{:}]

casi 5 años hace | 0

Binarize a metrix with some threshold
A = randi([0, 1000], 5) % dummy marix A = 392 277 317 766 646 656 46 951 795 710 171 97 ...

casi 5 años hace | 0

save values in array
all_el = unique([A{:}]);

casi 5 años hace | 0

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# 1:end
You need to use g(sub2ind(size(g), r,c)) = 1

casi 5 años hace | 0

if statement with vector
You are checking all values in the if conditioning, it gives pass condition if and only of all values are true, to avoid your si...

casi 5 años hace | 3

How to find the middle element of a square array
function middleElement = FindMiddle(squareArray) % FindMiddle: Return the element in the center of squareArray % Inputs: sq...

casi 5 años hace | 2

Populate .csv with specific times and dates
required_times = t(hour(t)>12 & hour(t)<17) % where timings between 12 to 17 hours of the data

casi 5 años hace | 0

If statement - comparing single value to whole array
if any(B>A) % your code end

casi 5 años hace | 0

Xor operation on two numbers
Since decimal to binary conversion may not produce same length of inputs to xor, we need to append 0's before the binary value ...

casi 5 años hace | 0

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Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Index of the array start from 1 and it must be positive integer in MATLAB. In your code for loop i = 0:366 starting from 0 that...

casi 5 años hace | 0

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How to read and arrange certain data in multiple text file?
FAM_data = readmatrix('FAM.txt'); FCC_data = readmatrix('FCC.txt'); FM2_data = readmatrix('FM2.txt');

casi 5 años hace | 0

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area of a circle function file / prompt and fprintf() output
function area_circle() radius = input('Enter the radius: '); area_cir = pi.*radius.^2; disp(['Area of circle: ', num2str(area...

casi 5 años hace | 0

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