Is there a way to plot two or several matrixes in one Diagramm using the same collor for respectively two Graphes?
The default colororder has 7 colors in it, and each series uses the next color in the colormap. Once the 7th line is used, the c...

3 meses hace | 1

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Can MATLAB plot a graph like this? (Ignore the black lines and light blue areas; I only care about the red and blue points.)
This is a bubble chart. You can create this in MATLAB using bubblechart The legend isn't exactly the same, but conveys the rel...

3 meses hace | 0

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while in ode45
One of your inputs to ode45 is tspan. If I were going to do this, I would look at building is so that my loop calls ode45 with t...

3 meses hace | 0

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How to do 'if cell array contains any of these numbers, copy the content from other array of the same row'?
Here's one way using any and ismember via cellfun sport = {[1 2]; [5 6 8 9]; [3 6 7 8]; [1 3 9]}; link = ["li...

4 meses hace | 0

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can anyone explain the code my calculus teacher explained this code in my class but I didn't understand it. The code is related to Mean value theorem.
You can put the code into the prompt in the MATLAB AI Chat Playground, then ask it to explain it to you. For example, I asked i...

4 meses hace | 0

Probem with course progress
You can check if your progress is tied to a different version of the course: See here:

4 meses hace | 1

I have completed 40% of the MATLAB Fundamentals training but when i resume it shows 0% and restarts from the beginning
You can check if your progress is tied to a different version of the course: See here:

4 meses hace | 0

Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
I can reproduce the error if I set kk=1. In this case, Phin(kk-1) becomes Phin(0), which is causing the error. In MATLAB, the in...

4 meses hace | 0

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Why am I getting the incorrect test result for this section of the deep learning onramp>Manage Collections of Image Data> Create and Classify a Datastore> Task 3?
I was able to duplicate the issue. I'll report this internally and follow back up if there is a recommended workaround/fix.

4 meses hace | 0

Why did the percentage of 25% disappear on a course on MATLAB Academy?
Check if your progress is tied to a previous version of the course. See here:

4 meses hace | 0

How do I sign into my careers account if I have forgoten the security question?
Contact support:

4 meses hace | 1

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Having issues going from trainNetwork to trainnet
You have a vector sequence, so your layout should be s-by-c matrices, where s and c are the numbers of time steps and channels (...

4 meses hace | 0

Set decimal place for uitable
Set the column display format to 'shortE' (you can see other options here) fig = uifigure; uit = uitable(fig,"Data",randi(100,...

4 meses hace | 1

MATLAB issue while try to install add-ons, installation get stucked
I would recommend contacting support: Some add-ons can be downloaded first an...

4 meses hace | 0

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How to extract date time from format unique to InputFormat?
The format used to represent am/pm (04p:48:15.8148625) is not one recognized by MATLAB. You therefore need to manipulate your da...

4 meses hace | 2

Reading data in MATLAB
The numbers are not captured in a format MATLAB can interpret. I would apply post-processing to turn the captured char arrays to...

4 meses hace | 0

unable to download files from matlab online
I wasn't able to duplicate on a Win 11 machine using chrome. As a workaround, have you installed MATLAB Drive Connector? This w...

4 meses hace | 0

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I renewed my MATLAB license and get error "1-6379G9" at activation. Can you help me proceed please?
It looks like you need to deactivate the license on your old machine first. Follow the instructions here: Link: Deactivate Lice...

4 meses hace | 0

How to change push button colour while the simulation is running
Try adding drawnow following the code that changes the color. This tells MATLAB to update the figure now.

4 meses hace | 0

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Me gustaría una gran ayuda con un programa que estoy haciendoen appdesigner,pero tengo una falla en un a linea.
You are trying to use a variable that has not been defined inside your function. What are convertedD1, convertedD1, and converte...

4 meses hace | 0

problems in online training
I have passed this along internally. In the meantime, try clearing your cookies or using a different browser.

4 meses hace | 0

I am getting an error "index in position 1 exceeds array bounds" in line 25
Try clearing your workspace before running your script. It looks like you may have created a variable that is taking precedence ...

4 meses hace | 0

if/elseif statement with rand() falling between two values
There are a few issues. the biggest is that each time you call rand, you generate a new number. It doesn't make sense to chain a...

4 meses hace | 1

MATLAB Android app doesn't paste in LiveScript Editor
Contact support:

4 meses hace | 0

How can I use increment value for entire script instead of section?
It is not possible to modify the behavior.of this feature. If I were in your position, my workaround would to leave the sectio...

5 meses hace | 0

Request for help with Simulink DC Circuit Simulation: No Output on Scopes Despite Correct Setup
One correction - your DC voltage source is 10 V, not 5 V. Also note that, because you have connected the electrical reference to...

5 meses hace | 0

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Contourf - How to define colors between, above and below contourlines
I note that the documentation states the following: "The contourf function uses the current colormap to fill the spaces between...

5 meses hace | 0

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Battery Pack Modeling - Self-Paced Online Course - Unable to Proceed Further due to Problem in Task 4 in the exercise "Exploring the Custom Battery Pack Block"
I was able to duplicate the issue. I have reported this internally. There is not currently a workaround for this, but I would ex...

5 meses hace | 0

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medicalImageLabeler converts single precision nii format image into uint8.
I don't see anything in the info that would explain what you are seeing. Could you attach your niifti file? Either way, I would...

5 meses hace | 0

Link two apps with a next button
Perhaps this example is helpful? Create Multiwindow Apps in App Designer

5 meses hace | 0

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