
Star Strider

Last seen: Today Con actividad desde 2012

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Hic sunt dracones! PROFESSIONAL: Physician (M.D.): Diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine; M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering: Instrumentation, Signal Processing, Control, System Identification, Parameter Estimation NON-PROFESSIONAL: Amateur Extra Class Amateur Radio Operator; Private Pilot, Airplane Single Engine Land, Instrument Rating Airplane; Gamer NOTE: I do not respond to emails or personal messages, unless they are about my File Exchange contributions. Time Zone: UTC-7 (Standard); UTC-6 (Daylight Savings/Summer)


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  • Personal Best Downloads Level 2
  • 5-Star Galaxy Level 3
  • Most Accepted 2022
  • Most Accepted 2021
  • Revival Level 3
  • First Submission
  • Grand Master
  • 36 Month Streak

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Which matlab will i be able to use in my pc?
See Platform Road Map for the MATLAB and Simulink Product Families I doubt that any available releases will run on your co...

alrededor de 3 horas hace | 0

Use of symbolix toolbox to derive PI controller Kp,Ki
You can get there, however you have to force iit — syms K_P K_I L R s xi omega_0 real G_PI = (K_P*s + K_I) / s G_RL = 1 / (L...

alrededor de 16 horas hace | 0

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How to Calculate dominant frequency and centroid frequency and plot them together
The spectralCentroid 9s plotted with respect to time, and the values go from near zero to 7.14 Hz. The dominant frequency is 0....

1 día hace | 0

Find imapedance of a circuit with mesured current and voltage and frequency sweep(up to 1MHz). C and L are unknow.
By convention, the real part is the voltage, and the imaginary part is the current. Thje phase is the angle between them. Oh...

1 día hace | 0

Best way to retrieve items from a cell array using a cell array of indices?
Creating ‘indices’ as a cell array is the problem. Refer to it as a double array instead — label_names={"assds", "Sasas", "...

1 día hace | 0

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array indices must be positive integers or logical values when complier matlab file - Application complier
The most likely cause of that sort of error is that a variable (created before the function is called) has the same name as a fu...

2 días hace | 0

how can i open .out extension file in matlab?
That depends on what is inside the file. If it is a text file, you can use either readtable or readmatrix with the addition o...

4 días hace | 0

Model identyfication from plot
You will need to use the System Identification Toolbox for this. If you have both the input and output time-domain signals, sta...

6 días hace | 0

I need answers can you please answer
Nodal Analysis

8 días hace | 0

mean function gives an error but not median
That you are getting theee error: Array indices must be positive integers or logical values. indicates that somewhere in your...

9 días hace | 1

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Black horizontal patches in the plot
Those sorts of horizontal liines are usuallly caused by unsorted data. Experiment with sorting the latitude as well: [longitu...

9 días hace | 0

Importing a PDF Bank Statement into MATLAB and splitting transactions correctly
The Text Analytics Toolbox has several functions that can be used to extract data from PDF files. See the documenntation sectio...

10 días hace | 0

How to find the area between two lines of different size matrices and fill that area?
It would be helpful to have your data. That aside, the problem with your patch calls is that your data are column vectors a...

10 días hace | 0

Band pass filtering of time series data
The problem is that the sampling frequency is 1 sample/minute, making the Nyquist frequency (the highest uniquely resolvable fre...

10 días hace | 1

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Changing Plot colors while using fitlm
I’m not sure how this works in R2019a, however if you don’t specify any specific colours in the plot calls, each plot has differ...

10 días hace | 0

readtable error after r2014a --> r2022b upgrade
Try one of these — t = readtable('test.txt', 'Delimiter',";"); or: t = readtable('test.txt', 'Delimiter',{';'}); The only ...

11 días hace | 0

Best way to plot a surface whose matrix has values of +/- infinity
Without the actual matrices (or representative matrices), it is diifficult to determine what is best. Note that fillmissing w...

11 días hace | 0

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how to read the data of type a*b?
Taking a wild guess that the ‘multiiplicatiion’ operators are equivalent to the ‘power-of-10’ indicator ‘E’ or ‘e’, first use st...

11 días hace | 0

For 3D surface plots, do you like the command, 'shading interp'?
There are a few options that you can experiment with — [X,Y] = ndgrid(-5:0.5:5); Z = exp(-(X.^2 + Y.^2)/10); figure sur...

12 días hace | 1

Iteratively selecting rotation angle for alingment
I do not understand what you are doing or want to do. Calculating the RMSE implies that you have something you want to compare ...

13 días hace | 0

finding the endpoints of an skeleton
Search the File Exchange for skeleton endpoints.

15 días hace | 0

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how to cleanly ensure column type in table is numerical
It reads them correctly in R2024b. Use the detectImportOptions and setvartype functions to set them to 'double'. (I can’t te...

15 días hace | 0

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From making 2D line plots to making 3D surface plots: How to preserve my current workflow?
Theree is not enough information proviided to determine what the problem is. If ‘i’ and ‘j’ are scalars, or matrices conformabl...

16 días hace | 0

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Problems in installing Symbolic Math Toolbox
pngs = dir('*.png') for k = 1:numel(pngs) figure imshow(imread(pngs(k).name)) end First, if you haven't alrea...

17 días hace | 0

Value Function Iteration: Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.
Here: [w, ind] = max(W); %take max of W The ‘W’ variable is an empty double vector, so ‘w’ and ‘ind’ are also. It’s not po...

18 días hace | 0

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How to estimate parameters of fractional SIR epidemic model?
See for example Parameter Estimation for a System of Differential Equations You have to define your differential equation...

19 días hace | 0

extract max and min frequency of a spectrum
There are some Signal Processing Toolbox functions that may do what you want. See for example the powerbw function. There ar...

19 días hace | 0

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Modern software should not do this, something annoying that can be improved
There are ways to deal with inequalities in datetime arrays. If you want to compare only the days (not considering the times), ...

20 días hace | 0

I can't understand what my mistakes are
Using parentheses () to index into a table indexes the table itself rather than the elements of the table. To index the element...

22 días hace | 2

Finding out the missing dates and times from the time series data
I am not certain what result you want. One option is to read it in as (or convert it to) a timetable and then use the retime ...

23 días hace | 0

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