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Update MATLAB on Offline Computer

On permanently offline computers, you can install a more recent version of MATLAB® than the one installed on that computer. For example, if you have R2024b installed, you can download a more recent version of R2024b if one is available. This version is called a MATLAB update. When you install a MATLAB update, you get the most recent update for your release and all previous updates for that release.

Follow this general process to install a MATLAB update on an offline computer:

  1. Download the update from a computer connected to the internet.

  2. Copy the update to the offline computer.

  3. Install the update from the system command line of the offline computer.


  • You must be a license administrator.

  • The MATLAB release being updated must be R2018b or later.

  • The offline computer must have an unzip utility that supports ZIP64.

  • You must have write privileges to the folder where MATLAB is installed on the offline computer.

Download MATLAB Update

On a computer with an internet connection, download the package containing the MATLAB update.

  1. On a computer connected to the internet, go to MathWorks Downloads.

  2. From the I Want To menu, select Get Updates.

  3. Select the release and update you want to download.

  4. Under Get Updates for MATLAB and Simulink Products click Get Update Package for Offline Installation. This link is visible only if you are signed in as a license administrator.

  5. Select the platform of the offline computer (not the computer you are using to perform this download) and download the update package.

Copy MATLAB Update to Offline Computer

  1. Copy the update package to the offline computer or to a shared network location.

  2. On the offline computer, unzip the update package to a new folder. Sample folders include:

    • Windows®C:\temp\R2024b_Update1_Package

    • Linux® or macOS/tmp/R2024b_Update1_Package

    This folder must be accessible from the offline computer.

Install MATLAB Update on Offline Computer

On the offline computer, install the MATLAB update using the unzipped package and the instructions specific to your operating system.


Before installing the update, close any MATLAB sessions running on the offline computer.


Since R2023a

  1. From the Windows command line, navigate to this folder:

    cd <updatePackageFolder>\bin\<arch>

    • <updatePackageFolder> is the full path to the folder where you unzipped the update package.

    • <arch> is the Windows architecture folder, such as win64.

  2. Run the update installer with the destination option. Specify the full path to the folder where MATLAB is installed on the offline computer, <matlabInstallFolder>. If the path contains spaces, enclose <matlabInstallFolder> in double quotes.

    MathWorksUpdateInstaller.exe --destination <matlabInstallFolder>

    This sample command shows the default MATLAB installation path for the current release.

    MathWorksUpdateInstaller.exe --destination "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b"

Before R2023a

  1. From the Windows command line, navigate to this folder:

    cd <matlabInstallFolder>/bin/<arch>

    • <matlabInstallFolder> is the full path to the folder where MATLAB is installed on the offline computer. If the path contains spaces, enclose <matlabInstallFolder> in double quotes.

    • <arch> is the Windows architecture folder, such as win64.

  2. Run the update installer with the updatepackage option. Specify the full path to the folder where you unzipped the update package, <updatePackageFolder>.

    update_installer.exe -updatepackage <updatePackageFolder>


Since R2023a

  1. From the Linux command line, navigate to this folder:

    cd <updatePackageFolder>/bin/<arch>

    • <updatePackageFolder> is the full path to the folder where you unzipped the update package.

    • <arch> is the Linux architecture folder, such as glnxa64.

  2. Run the update installer with the destination option. Specify the full path to the folder where MATLAB is installed on the offline computer, <matlabInstallFolder>.

    ./ --destination <matlabInstallFolder>

    This sample command shows the default MATLAB installation path for the current release.

    ./ --destination /usr/local/R2024b

Before R2023a

  1. From the Linux command line, navigate to this folder:

    cd <matlabInstallFolder>/bin/<arch>

    • <matlabInstallFolder> is the full path to the folder where MATLAB is installed on the offline computer.

    • <arch> is the Linux architecture folder, such as glnxa64.

  2. Run the update installer with the updatepackage option. Specify the full path to the folder where you unzipped the update package, <updatePackageFolder>.

    ./ -updatepackage <updatePackageFolder>


Since R2023a

  1. From the macOS command line, navigate to this folder:

    cd <updatePackageFolder>/bin/<arch>

    • <updatePackageFolder> is the full path to the folder where you unzipped the update package.

    • <arch> is the macOS architecture folder, such as maci64 or maca64.

  2. Run the update installer with the destination option. Specify the full path to the folder where MATLAB is installed on the offline computer, <matlabInstallFolder>.

    ./MathWorksUpdateInstaller --destination <matlabInstallFolder>

    This sample command shows the default MATLAB installation path for the current release.

    ./MathWorksUpdateInstaller --destination /Applications/MATLAB/R2024b

Before R2023a

  1. From the macOS command line, navigate to this folder:

    cd <matlabInstallFolder>/bin/<arch>

    • <matlabInstallFolder> is the full path to the folder where MATLAB is installed on the offline computer.

    • <arch> is the macOS architecture folder, such as maci64.

  2. Run the update installer with the updatepackage option. Specify the full path to the folder where you unzipped the update package, <updatePackageFolder>.

    ./update_installer -updatepackage <updatePackageFolder>

View Offline Update Log Files

During the installation and activation of MathWorks® products, the product installer creates a log file that you can use to obtain information on the installation processes.

The installation log file is named mathworks_%username%.log and the activation log file is named aws_%username%.log. In both cases, %username% is the name of the person running the installer.

To locate your log files, see Where are the MATLAB Installation and Log Files Located?

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