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Build Map and Localize Using Segment Matching

This example shows how to build a map with lidar data and localize the position of a vehicle on the map using SegMatch [1], a place recognition algorithm based on segment matching.

Autonomous driving systems use localization to determine the position of the vehicle within a mapped environment. Autonomous navigation requires accurate localization, which relies on an accurate map. Building an accurate map of large scale environments is difficult because the map accumulates drift over time, and detecting loop closures to correct for accumulated drift is challenging due to dynamic obstacles. The SegMatch algorithm is robust to dynamic obstacles and reliable in large scale environments. The algorithm is a segment-based approach that takes advantage of descriptive shapes and recognizes places by matching segments.


Like the Build a Map from Lidar Data Using SLAM example, this example uses 3-D lidar data to build a map and corrects for the accumulated drift using graph SLAM. However, this example does not require global pose estimates from other sensors, such as an inertial measurement unit (IMU). After building the map, this example uses it to localize the vehicle in a known environment.

In this example, you learn how to:

  • Use SegMatch to find the relative transformation between two point clouds that correspond to the same place

  • Build a map using SegMatch for loop closure detection

  • Localize on a prebuilt map using SegMatch

Download Data

The data used in this example is part of the Velodyne SLAM Dataset. It includes approximately 6 minutes of data recorded with a Velodyne® HDL64E-S2 scanner. Download the data to a temporary directory. This can take a few minutes.

baseDownloadURL = '';
dataFolder = fullfile(tempdir,'kit_velodyneslam_data_scenario1',filesep);
options = weboptions('Timeout',Inf);

zipFileName = dataFolder+"";

% Get the full file path to the PNG files in the scenario1 folder.
pointCloudFilePattern = fullfile(dataFolder,'scenario1','scan*.png');
numExpectedFiles = 2513;

folderExists = exist(dataFolder,'dir');
if ~folderExists
    % Create a folder in a temporary directory to save the downloaded zip file.
    disp('Downloading (153 MB) ...')
    % Unzip downloaded file.

elseif folderExists && numel(dir(pointCloudFilePattern)) < numExpectedFiles
    % Redownload the data if it got reduced in the temporary directory.
    disp('Downloading (153 MB) ...') 
    % Unzip downloaded file.
Downloading (153 MB) ...

Load and Select Data

The downloaded dataset stores point cloud data in PNG files. Create a file datastore using the helperReadVelodyneSLAMData function to load point cloud data from the PNG files and convert distance values to 3-D coordinates. The helper function is a custom read function, which is designed for the Velodyne SLAM Dataset. Select a subset of the data and split the data to use for map building and for localization.

% Create a file datastore to read files in the right order.
fileDS = fileDatastore(pointCloudFilePattern,'ReadFcn', ...

% Read the point clouds.
ptCloudArr = readall(fileDS);

% Select a subset of point cloud scans, and split the data to use for
% map building and for localization.
ptCloudMap = vertcat(ptCloudArr{1:5:1550});
ptCloudLoc = vertcat(ptCloudArr{2:5:1550});

% Visualize the first point cloud.
title('Point Cloud Data')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Point Cloud Data contains an object of type scatter.

SegMatch Overview

The SegMatch algorithm consists of four different components: point cloud segmentation, feature extraction, segment matching, and geometric verification. For best results, preprocess the point cloud before performing these four steps.

Preprocess Point Cloud

To select the most relevant point cloud data, perform the following preprocessing steps:

  1. Select a cylindrical neighborhood centered around the vehicle to extract a local point cloud of interest.

  2. Remove the ground in preparation to segment the point cloud into distinct objects. Use segmentGroundSMRF to segment the ground.

% Select a point cloud from the map for preprocessing.
ptCloud = ptCloudMap(25);

% Set the cylinder radius and ego radius.
cylinderRadius = 40;
egoRadius = 1;

% Select the points inside the cylinder radius and outside the ego radius.
cylinderIdx = findPointsInCylinder(ptCloud,[egoRadius cylinderRadius]);
cylinderPtCloud = select(ptCloud,cylinderIdx,'OutputSize','full');

% Remove the ground.
[~,ptCloudNoGround] = segmentGroundSMRF(cylinderPtCloud,'ElevationThreshold',0.05);

% Visualize the point cloud before and after preprocessing.
title('Point Cloud Before and After Preprocessing')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Point Cloud Before and After Preprocessing contains 2 objects of type scatter.

Segmentation and Feature Extraction

Next, segment the point cloud and extract features from each segment.

Segment the point cloud by using the segmentLidarData function and visualize the segments. For this example, each segment must have a minimum of 150 points. This produces segment clusters that represent distinct objects and have enough points to characterize the area in the map.

Different datasets require different parameters for segmentation. Requiring fewer points for segments can lead to false positive loop closures, and limiting the segments to larger clusters can eliminate segments that are important for place recognition. You must also tune the distance and angle thresholds to ensure that each segment corresponds to one object. A small distance threshold can result in many segments that correspond to the same object, and a large distance threshold and small angle threshold can result in segments that combine many objects.

minNumPoints = 150;
distThreshold = 1;
angleThreshold = 180;
[labels,numClusters] = segmentLidarData(ptCloudNoGround,distThreshold, ...

% Remove points that contain a label value of 0 for visualization.
idxValidPoints = find(labels);
labelColorIndex = labels(idxValidPoints);
segmentedPtCloud = select(ptCloudNoGround,idxValidPoints);

title('Point Cloud Segments')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Point Cloud Segments contains an object of type scatter.

Extract features from each segment by using the extractEigenFeatures function. Eigenvalue-based features are geometric features. Each feature vector includes linearity, planarity, scattering, omnivariance, anisotropy, eigenentropy, and change in curvature.

[features,segments] = extractEigenFeatures(ptCloud,labels);
  31×1 eigenFeature array with properties:

  31×1 pointCloud array with properties:


Segment Matching and Geometric Verification

Find the matching segments and the transformation between the segments for two point cloud scans that correspond to a loop closure.

Preprocess and extract segment features from the two point clouds. The helperPreProcessPointCloud function includes the preprocessing steps in the Preprocess Point Cloud section, to simplify preprocessing the point cloud throughout the workflow.

ptCloud1 = ptCloudMap(27);
ptCloud2 = ptCloudMap(309);

ptCloud1 = helperPreProcessPointCloud(ptCloud1,egoRadius,cylinderRadius);
ptCloud2 = helperPreProcessPointCloud(ptCloud2,egoRadius,cylinderRadius);

labels1 = segmentLidarData(ptCloud1,distThreshold, ...
labels2 = segmentLidarData(ptCloud2,distThreshold, ...

[features1,segments1] = extractEigenFeatures(ptCloud1,labels1);
[features2,segments2] = extractEigenFeatures(ptCloud2,labels2);

Find the possible segment matches based on the normalized euclidean distance between the feature vectors by using the pcmatchfeatures function.

featureMatrix1 = vertcat(features1.Feature);
featureMatrix2 = vertcat(features2.Feature);
indexPairs = pcmatchfeatures(featureMatrix1,featureMatrix2);

Perform geometric verification by identifying inliers and finding the 3-D rigid transformation between segment matches using the estgeotform3d function. Based on the number of inliers, the point clouds can be classified as a loop closure.

centroids1 = vertcat(features1(indexPairs(:,1)).Centroid);
centroids2 = vertcat(features2(indexPairs(:,2)).Centroid);
[tform,inlierPairs] = estgeotform3d(centroids1,centroids2,'rigid');

Visualize the segment matches by using the pcshowMatchedFeatures function.

inlierIdx1 = indexPairs(inlierPairs,1);
inlierIdx2 = indexPairs(inlierPairs,2);
pcshowMatchedFeatures(segments1(inlierIdx1),segments2(inlierIdx2), ...
title('Segment Matches')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Segment Matches contains 5 objects of type scatter, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

Align the segments with the transformation from the geometric verification step using pccat and pctransform.

ptCloudSegments1 = pccat(segments1);
ptCloudSegments2 = pccat(segments2);
tformedPtCloudSegments1 = pctransform(ptCloudSegments1,tform);

Visualize the aligned segments using pcshowpair.

title('Aligned Segments')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Aligned Segments contains 2 objects of type scatter.

Build Map

The map building procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Preprocess the point cloud

  2. Register the point cloud

  3. Segment the point cloud and extract features

  4. Detect loop closures

Preprocess Point Cloud

Preprocess the previous and current point cloud using helperPreProcessPointCloud. Downsample the point clouds using pcdownsample to improve registration speed and accuracy. To tune the downsample percentage input, find the lowest value that maintains the desired registration accuracy when the vehicle turns.

currentViewId = 2;

prevPtCloud = helperPreProcessPointCloud(ptCloudMap(currentViewId-1), ...
ptCloud = helperPreProcessPointCloud(ptCloudMap(currentViewId), ...

downsamplePercent = 0.5;

prevPtCloudFiltered = pcdownsample(prevPtCloud,'random',downsamplePercent);
ptCloudFiltered = pcdownsample(ptCloud,'random',downsamplePercent);

Register Point Cloud

Register the current point cloud with the previous point cloud to find the relative transformation.

gridStep = 3;
relPose = pcregisterndt(ptCloudFiltered,prevPtCloudFiltered,gridStep);

Use a pcviewset object to track absolute poses and connections between registered point clouds. Create an empty pcviewset.

vSet = pcviewset;

Initialize the pose of the first point cloud to an identity rigid transformation, and add it to the view set using addView.

initAbsPose = rigidtform3d;
vSet = addView(vSet,currentViewId-1,initAbsPose);

Compute the absolute pose of the second point cloud using the relative pose estimated during registration, and add it to the view set.

absPose = rigidtform3d(initAbsPose.A * relPose.A);
vSet = addView(vSet,currentViewId,absPose);

Connect the two views using addConnection.

vSet = addConnection(vSet,currentViewId-1,currentViewId,relPose);

Transform the current point cloud to align it to the global map.

ptCloud = pctransform(ptCloud,absPose);

Segment Point Cloud and Extract Features

Segment the previous and current point clouds using segmentLidarData.

labels1 = segmentLidarData(prevPtCloud,distThreshold,angleThreshold, ...
labels2 = segmentLidarData(ptCloud,distThreshold,angleThreshold, ...

Extract features from the previous and current point cloud segments using extractEigenFeatures.

[prevFeatures,prevSegments] = extractEigenFeatures(prevPtCloud,labels1);
[features,segments] = extractEigenFeatures(ptCloud,labels2);

Track the segments and features using a pcmapsegmatch object. Create an empty pcmapsegmatch.

sMap = pcmapsegmatch;

Add the views, features, and segments for the previous and current point clouds to the pcmapsegmatch using addView.

sMap = addView(sMap,currentViewId-1,prevFeatures,prevSegments);
sMap = addView(sMap,currentViewId,features,segments);

Detect Loop Closures

The estimated poses accumulate drift as more point clouds are added to the map. Detecting loop closures helps correct for the accumulated drift and produce a more accurate map.

Detect loop closures using findPose.

[absPoseMap,loopClosureViewId] = findPose(sMap,absPose);
isLoopClosure = ~isempty(absPoseMap);

If findPose detects a loop closure, find the transformation between the current view and the loop closure view and add it to the pcviewset object.

Use the absolute pose of the current view without the accumulated drift, absPoseMap, and the absolute pose of the loop closure view, absPoseLoop, to compute the relative pose between the loop closure poses without the drift.

if isLoopClosure
    absPoseLoop = poses(vSet,loopClosureViewId).AbsolutePose;
    relPoseLoopToCurrent = rigidtform3d(invert(absPoseLoop).A * absPoseMap.A);

Add the loop closure relative pose as a connection using addConnection.

    vSet = addConnection(vSet,loopClosureViewId,currentViewId, ...

Correct for the accumulated drift using pose graph optimization. Consider finding more than one loop closure connection before optimizing the poses, since optimizing the pose graph and updating the pcmapsegmatch object are both computationally intensive.

Save the poses before optimization. The poses are needed to update the segments and centroid locations in the pcmapsegmatch object.

    prevPoses = vSet.Views.AbsolutePose;

Create a pose graph from the view set using createPoseGraph, and optimize the pose graph using optimizePoseGraph (Navigation Toolbox).

    G = createPoseGraph(vSet);     
    optimG = optimizePoseGraph(G,'g2o-levenberg-marquardt');
    vSet = updateView(vSet,optimG.Nodes);

Find the transformations from the poses before and after correcting for drift and use them to update the map segments and centroid locations using updateMap.

    optimizedPoses = vSet.Views.AbsolutePose;
    relPoseOpt = rigidtform3d.empty;
    for k = 1:numel(prevPoses)
        relPoseOpt(k) = rigidtform3d(optimizedPoses(k).A * invert(prevPoses(k)).A);
    sMap = updateMap(sMap,relPoseOpt);

To build the map and correct for accumulated drift, apply these steps to the rest of the point cloud scans.

% Set the random seed for example reproducibility.

% Update display every 5 scans.
updateRate = 5;

% Initialize variables for registration.
prevPtCloud = ptCloudFiltered;
prevPose = rigidtform3d;

% Keep track of the loop closures to optimize the poses once enough loop
% closures are detected.
totalLoopClosures = 0;

for i = 3:numel(ptCloudMap)
    ptCloud = ptCloudMap(i);

    % Preprocess and register the point cloud.
    ptCloud = helperPreProcessPointCloud(ptCloud,egoRadius,cylinderRadius);
    ptCloudFiltered = pcdownsample(ptCloud,'random',downsamplePercent);
    relPose = pcregisterndt(ptCloudFiltered,prevPtCloud,gridStep, ...
    ptCloud = pctransform(ptCloud,absPose);
    % Store the current point cloud to register the next point cloud.
    prevPtCloud = ptCloudFiltered;    
    % Compute the absolute pose of the current point cloud.
    absPose = rigidtform3d(absPose.A * relPose.A);
    % If the vehicle has moved at least 2 meters since last time, continue
    % with segmentation, feature extraction, and loop closure detection.
    if norm(absPose.Translation-prevPose.Translation) >= 2
        % Segment the point cloud and extract features.
        labels = segmentLidarData(ptCloud,distThreshold,angleThreshold, ...
        [features,segments] = extractEigenFeatures(ptCloud,labels);
        % Keep track of the current view id.
        currentViewId = currentViewId+1;
        % Add the view to the point cloud view set and map representation.
        vSet = addView(vSet,currentViewId,absPose);
        vSet = addConnection(vSet,currentViewId-1,currentViewId, ...
            rigidtform3d(invert(prevPose).A * absPose.A));
        sMap = addView(sMap,currentViewId,features,segments);
        % Update the view set display.
        if mod(currentViewId,updateRate) == 0
            % Set figure color to white.
            set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1]);

        % Check if there is a loop closure.
        [absPoseMap,loopClosureViewId] = findPose(sMap,absPose,'MatchThreshold',1, ...
        isLoopClosure = ~isempty(absPoseMap);
        if isLoopClosure
            totalLoopClosures = totalLoopClosures+1;
            % Find the relative pose between the loop closure poses.
            absPoseLoop = poses(vSet,loopClosureViewId).AbsolutePose;
            relPoseLoopToCurrent = rigidtform3d(invert(absPoseLoop).A * absPoseMap.A);
            vSet = addConnection(vSet,loopClosureViewId,currentViewId, ...
            % Optimize the graph of poses and update the map every time 3
            % loop closures are detected.
            if mod(totalLoopClosures,3) == 0
                prevPoses = vSet.Views.AbsolutePose;
                % Correct for accumulated drift.
                G = createPoseGraph(vSet);
                optimG = optimizePoseGraph(G,'g2o-levenberg-marquardt');
                vSet = updateView(vSet,optimG.Nodes);
                % Update the map.
                optimizedPoses = vSet.Views.AbsolutePose;
                relPoseOpt = rigidtform3d.empty;
                for k = 1:numel(prevPoses)
                    relPoseOpt(k) = rigidtform3d(optimizedPoses(k).A * invert(prevPoses(k)).A);
                sMap = updateMap(sMap,relPoseOpt);
                % Update the absolute pose after pose graph optimization.
                absPose = optimizedPoses(end);
        prevPose = absPose;

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X, ylabel Y contains an object of type graphplot.

% Visualize the map of segments from the top view.
title('Map of Segments')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Map of Segments contains an object of type scatter.

Localize Vehicle in Known Map

The preprocessing steps for localization using SegMatch are the same preprocessing steps used for map building. Since the algorithm relies on consistent segmentation, use the same segmentation parameters for best results.

ptCloud = ptCloudLoc(1);

% Preprocess the point cloud.
ptCloud = helperPreProcessPointCloud(ptCloud,egoRadius,cylinderRadius);

% Segment the point cloud and extract features.  
labels = segmentLidarData(ptCloud,distThreshold,angleThreshold, ...
features = extractEigenFeatures(ptCloud,labels);

Because there is no position estimate for the vehicle, you must use the extent of the map for initial vehicle localization. Select the extent of the map to localize for the first time using selectSubmap.

sMap = selectSubmap(sMap,[sMap.XLimits sMap.YLimits sMap.ZLimits]);

Use the findPose object function of pcmapsegmatch to localize the vehicle on the prebuilt map.

absPoseMap = findPose(sMap,features,'MatchThreshold',1,'MinNumInliers',5);

Visualize the map, and use showShape to visualize the vehicle on the map as a cuboid.

mapColor = [0 0.4 0.7];
mapSegments = pccat(sMap.Segments);
hAxLoc = pcshow(mapSegments.Location,mapColor);
title('Localization on a Prebuilt Map')

poseTranslation = absPoseMap.Translation;
quat = quaternion(absPoseMap.Rotation','rotmat','point');
theta = eulerd(quat,'ZYX','point');
pos = [poseTranslation 5 9 3.5 theta(2) theta(3) theta(1)];

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Localization on a Prebuilt Map contains an object of type scatter.

To improve localization speed for the rest of the scans, select a submap using selectSubmap.

submapSize = [65 65 200];
sMap = selectSubmap(sMap,poseTranslation,submapSize);

Continue localizing the vehicle using the rest of the point cloud scans. Use isInsideSubmap and selectSubmap to keep the submap updated. If there are not enough segments to localize the vehicle using segment matching, use registration to estimate the pose.

% Visualize the map.
hAx = pcshow(mapSegments.Location,mapColor);
title('Localization on a Prebuilt Map')

% Set parameter to update submap.
submapThreshold = 30;

% Initialize the poses and previous point cloud for registration.
prevPtCloud = ptCloud;
relPose = rigidtform3d;
prevAbsPose = rigidtform3d;

% Segment each point cloud and localize by finding segment matches.
for n = 2:numel(ptCloudLoc)
    ptCloud = ptCloudLoc(n);
    % Preprocess the point cloud.
    ptCloud = helperPreProcessPointCloud(ptCloud,egoRadius,cylinderRadius);
    % Segment the point cloud and extract features.
    labels = segmentLidarData(ptCloud,distThreshold,angleThreshold, ...
    features = extractEigenFeatures(ptCloud,labels);
    % Localize the point cloud.
    absPoseMap = findPose(sMap,features,'MatchThreshold',1,'MinNumInliers',5);

    % Do registration when the position cannot be estimated with segment
    % matching.
    if isempty(absPoseMap)
        relPose = pcregisterndt(ptCloud,prevPtCloud,gridStep, ...
        absPoseMap = rigidtform3d(prevAbsPose.A * relPose.A);

    % Display position estimate in the map.
    poseTranslation = absPoseMap.Translation;
    quat = quaternion(absPoseMap.Rotation','rotmat','point');
    theta = eulerd(quat,'ZYX','point');
    pos = [poseTranslation 5 9 3.5 theta(2) theta(3) theta(1)];

    % Determine if selected submap needs to be updated.
    [isInside,distToEdge] = isInsideSubmap(sMap,poseTranslation);
    needSelectSubmap = ~isInside ...                      % Current pose is outside submap.
        || any(distToEdge(1:2) < submapThreshold);        % Current pose is close to submap edge.

    % Select a new submap.
    if needSelectSubmap
        sMap = selectSubmap(sMap,poseTranslation,submapSize);

    prevAbsPose = absPoseMap;
    prevPtCloud = ptCloud;

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Localization on a Prebuilt Map contains an object of type scatter.


[1] R. Dube, D. Dugas, E. Stumm, J. Nieto, R. Siegwart, and C. Cadena. "SegMatch: Segment Based Place Recognition in 3D Point Clouds." IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2017.

Supporting Functions

helperReadVelodyneSLAMData reads point clouds from PNG image files from the Velodyne SLAM Dataset.

helperPreProcessPointCloud selects a cylindrical neighborhood and removes the ground from a point cloud.

function ptCloud = helperPreProcessPointCloud(ptCloud,egoRadius,cylinderRadius)

% Select the points inside the cylinder radius and outside the ego radius.
cylinderIdx = findPointsInCylinder(ptCloud,[egoRadius cylinderRadius]);
ptCloud = select(ptCloud,cylinderIdx,'OutputSize','full');

% Remove ground.
[~,ptCloud] = segmentGroundSMRF(ptCloud,'ElevationThreshold',0.05);

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