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Regiones delimitadoras

Calcule la envolvente convexa, forma alfa o límites alrededor de puntos

Cree regiones definidas por límites que engloben un conjunto de puntos. La función boundary permite especificar la estrechez del ajuste alrededor de los puntos, mientras que las funciones convhull y convhulln devuelven el límite convexo inferior. Los objetos alphaShape ofrecen ajustes de límite ajustables en función del radio alfa y contienen funciones del objeto para calcular cantidades geométricas.


expandir todo

boundaryBoundary of a set of points in 2-D or 3-D
convhullConvex hull
convhullnN-D convex hull
alphaShapePolygons and polyhedra from points in 2-D and 3-D
alphaSpectrumAlpha values giving distinct alpha shapes
criticalAlphaAlpha radius defining critical transition in shape
numRegionsNumber of regions in alpha shape
inShapeDetermine if point is inside alpha shape
alphaTriangulationTriangulation that fills alpha shape
boundaryFacetsBoundary facets of alpha shape
perimeterPerimeter of 2-D alpha shape
areaArea of 2-D alpha shape
surfaceAreaSurface area of 3-D alpha shape
volumeVolume of 3-D alpha shape
plotPlot alpha shape
nearestNeighborDetermine nearest alpha shape boundary point


  • Computing the Convex Hull

    This topic explains several methods for computing the convex hull using convhull, convhulln, delaunayTriangulation, and alphaShape.

  • Types of Region Boundaries

    This topic explains the differences between several types of boundaries that enclose a set of points.