Iniciar MATLAB y llamar a funciones desde aplicaciones de C++
Inicie y conéctese a MATLAB, llame a funciones de MATLAB desde aplicaciones de C++
Utilice API del motor para C++ para interactuar con MATLAB® desde las aplicaciones de C++. La API del motor para C++ le permite iniciar una sesión de MATLAB o conectarse a una sesión existente, leer y establecer el valor de las variables, evaluar instrucciones de MATLAB, llamar a funciones de MATLAB y recibir resultados.
Iniciar MATLAB y conectarse a la plataforma
- Start MATLAB Sessions from C++
Start and connect to a MATLAB session synchronously or asynchronously from C++. - Connect C++ to Running MATLAB Session
Connect a C++ engine to a MATLAB session that was started as or converted to a shared session.
Llamar a funciones
- Call MATLAB Functions from C++
Call MATLAB functions from C++, passing variables to MATLAB and returning variables to C++. - Evaluate MATLAB Statements from C++
Evaluate MATLAB expressions from C++ and write variables to the MATLAB base workspace. - Pass Variables from C++ to MATLAB
Pass variables from C++ to MATLAB as function arguments or by placing those variables directly into the MATLAB base workspace. - Pass Variables from MATLAB to C++
Get variables from the MATLAB base or global workspace. - Redirect MATLAB Command Window Output to C++
Redirect MATLAB Command Window output, including error messages, to your C++ program. - Convert C++ Engine Application to MATLAB Compiler SDK Application
Convert an engine application to a deployed application using MATLAB Compiler SDK™.