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Gate-Based Quantum Computing

Gate-based quantum computing algorithms
Since R2023a

Create quantum gates and circuits, simulate circuits on your local computer, and run circuits on remote hardware using Amazon® Web Services (AWS®) or IBM® Qiskit® Runtime Services.


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quantumCircuitQuantum computing circuit
quantum.gate.SimpleGateSimple gate for quantum computing
quantum.gate.CompositeGateComposite gate for quantum computing
quantum.gate.QuantumStateState of qubits in quantum circuit
quantum.gate.QuantumMeasurementMeasurement result of quantum circuit
observableMeasurements in Pauli basis (Since R2024b)
quantum.backend.QuantumDeviceAWSQuantum device available through AWS
quantum.backend.QuantumTaskAWSTask sent to AWS for execution on quantum device
quantum.backend.QuantumDeviceIBMQuantum device available through IBM (Since R2023b)
quantum.backend.QuantumTaskIBMTask sent to IBM for execution on quantum device (Since R2023b)


QuantumCircuitChart PropertiesQuantum circuit plot appearance and behavior (Since R2023b)


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Gates on One Target Qubit

hGateHadamard gate
idGateIdentity gate
xGatePauli X gate
yGatePauli Y gate
zGatePauli Z gate

Rotation Gates

rxGatex-axis rotation gate
ryGatey-axis rotation gate
rzGatez-axis rotation gate
r1Gatez-axis rotation gate with global phase
sGateS gate
siGateInverse S gate
tGateT gate
tiGateInverse T gate

Gates with One Control Qubit and One Target Qubit

chGateControlled Hadamard gate
cnotGateCNOT gate (controlled X gate)
cxGateControlled X gate (CNOT gate)
cyGateControlled Y gate
czGateControlled Z gate

Gate That Swap States of Two Qubits

swapGateSwap gate

Controlled Rotation Gates

crxGateControlled x-axis rotation gate
cryGateControlled y-axis rotation gate
crzGateControlled z-axis rotation gate
cr1GateControlled z-axis rotation gate with global phase

Controlled Controlled X Gate

ccxGateControlled controlled X gate (CCNOT or Toffoli gate)

Ising Coupling Gates

rxxGateIsing XX coupling gate
ryyGateIsing YY coupling gate
rzzGateIsing ZZ coupling gate

Composite and Specialized Gates

compositeGateConstruct composite gate for quantum computing
qftGateQuantum Fourier transform gate
initGateInitialization gate with specified qubit states (Since R2023b)
unitaryGateUnitary matrix gate (Since R2023b)
mcxGateMulti-controlled X gate

Uniformly Controlled Rotation Gates

ucrxGateUniformly controlled x-axis rotation gate (Since R2023b)
ucryGateUniformly controlled y-axis rotation gate (Since R2023b)
ucrzGateUniformly controlled z-axis rotation gate (Since R2023b)


Basics and Workflows

Featured Examples

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