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Get Started with COM

Create Instance of COM Object

Use the actxserver function to create and manipulate objects from MATLAB® that are exposed in an application that supports Automation. The function returns a handle to the object's main interface, which you use to access the object's methods, properties, and events, and any other interfaces it provides.

Register Custom Control

If your MATLAB program uses a custom control, for example, one that you have created especially for your application, you must register it with the Microsoft® Windows® operating system before you can use it. You can do this from your MATLAB program by issuing an operating system command:

!regsvr32 /s filename.ocx

where filename is the name of the file containing the control. Using this command in your program enables you to provide custom-made controls that you make available to other users by registering the control on their computer when they run your MATLAB program.

See Also

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