Sense HAT
Use la placa complementaria Sense HAT de Raspberry Pi®
Use y controle la placa Sense HAT de Raspberry Pi
sensehat | Create a Sense HAT object passing raspi object |
readHumidity | Read the humidity value from the Humidity sensor |
readPressure | Read the pressure value from the Air Pressure sensor |
readTemperature | Read the temperature value from the Humidity sensor or the Air Pressure sensor |
readAngularVelocity | Read angular velocity measured by the gyroscope along x, y, and z axes |
readAcceleration | Read acceleration measured by the Accelerometer along x, y, and z axes |
readMagneticField | Read the magnetic field measured by the Magnetometer along the x, y and z axis |
readJoystick | Read the status of the joystick |
displayImage | Display an image on the Raspberry Pi hardware or on the LED Matrix of SenseHAT |
writePixel | Write the specified color to an individual pixel at the specified row and column of LED Matrix |
clearLEDMatrix | Clears the entire LED matrix and sets the all the pixels to blank ([0, 0, 0]) |
displayMessage | Scrolls a text message across the LED Matrix |
raspi | Connection to Raspberry Pi board |