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Create polyshape from 2-D triangulation


polyout = boundaryshape(TR) creates a polyshape object from the boundary of a 2-D triangulation. TR can be either a triangulation object or a delaunayTriangulation object.

Once you create the polyshape object polyout, you can analyze its properties or perform additional computations using polyshape functions. For example, you can access the vertices that define the boundary with the property polyout.Vertices, and you can plot the shape using the command plot(polyout).


[polyout,vertexID] = boundaryshape(TR) also returns a vector vertexID that maps the vertices of the polyshape to the vertices of the triangulation.


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Create and plot a simple triangulation object.

P = [2.5 8.0; 6.5 8.0; 2.5 5.0; 6.5 5.0; 1.0 6.5; 8.0 6.5];
T = [5 3 1; 3 2 1; 3 4 2; 4 6 2];
TR = triangulation(T,P);
xlim([0 9])
ylim([4.5 8.5])

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type line.

Create and plot a polyshape object whose boundary is equal to the boundary of the triangulation.

polyout = boundaryshape(TR);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type polygon.

Create and plot a triangulation object.

T = [5 1 3; 6 1 4; 5 4 1; 2 6 3; 3 6 5; 2 1 6];
P = [3 0.5; 3.5 1.5; 4 0.5; 3.25 0.6; 3.75 0.6; 3.5 1];
TR = triangulation(T,P);
xlim([2.8 4.2])
ylim([0.4 1.8])

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type line.

Create and plot a polyshape object whose boundaries are equal to the boundaries of the triangulation. Due to the inner and outer closed boundaries of the triangulation, polyout contains both a hole boundary and a solid boundary.

polyout = boundaryshape(TR)
polyout = 
  polyshape with properties:

      Vertices: [7x2 double]
    NumRegions: 1
      NumHoles: 1


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type polygon.

Input Arguments

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Triangulation, specified as a 2-D triangulation object or a 2-D delaunayTriangulation object.

Output Arguments

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Output polyshape, returned as a polyshape object.

Vertex identification, returned as a vector of integers. Each element in vertexID corresponds to the row number of the triangulation vertex in the Points property. The length of vertexID is equal to the number of rows in the Vertices property of the polyshape object.

Data Types: double

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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