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Remove breakpoints


dbclear all removes all breakpoints in all MATLAB® code files, and all breakpoints set for errors, caught errors, caught error identifiers, warnings, warning identifiers, naninf, and output that isn't suppressed by a semicolon.

dbclear in file removes all breakpoints in the specified file. The in keyword is optional.


dbclear in file at location removes the breakpoint set at the specified location in the specified file. The at and in keywords are optional.


dbclear if condition removes all breakpoints set using the specified condition, such as dbstop if error or dbstop if naninf.



collapse all

Set and then clear breakpoints in a program file.

Create a file, buggy.m, that contains these statements.

function z = buggy(x)
n = length(x);
z = (1:n)/x';

Add breakpoints at line 2 and line 3. List all breakpoints using dbstatus.

dbstop in buggy at 2
dbstop in buggy at 3
Breakpoints for buggy are on lines  2, 3.

Remove all the breakpoints in buggy.m. Call dbstatus to confirm that all breakpoints are cleared.

dbclear in buggy

Set and then clear breakpoints in a program file at a certain location.

Create a file, buggy.m, that contains these statements.

function z = buggy(x)
n = length(x);
z = (1:n)/x';

Add breakpoints at line 2 and line 3. List all breakpoints using dbstatus.

dbstop in buggy at 2
dbstop in buggy at 3
Breakpoints for buggy are on lines  2, 3.

Remove the breakpoint at line 3 and call dbstatus.

dbclear in buggy at 3
Breakpoint for buggy is on line 2.

Set and clear an error breakpoint.

Create a file, buggy.m, that requires an input vector.

function z = buggy(x)
n = length(x);
z = (1:n)/x';

Set an error breakpoint, and call buggy with a matrix input instead of a vector.

dbstop if error

A run-time error occurs, and MATLAB goes into debug mode, pausing at line 3 in buggy.m.

Error using  / 
Matrix dimensions must agree.

Error in buggy (line 3)
z = (1:n)/x';

Call dbquit to exit debug mode.

Clear the breakpoint, and call buggy again with a matrix input instead of a vector.

dbclear if error

A run-time error occurs, and MATLAB pauses execution immediately, without going into debug mode.

Error using  / 
Matrix dimensions must agree.

Error in buggy (line 3)
z = (1:n)/x';

Input Arguments

collapse all

File name, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The file name can include a partial path name for files on the MATLAB search path or an absolute path name for any file. For more information on valid file names in MATLAB, see Specify File Names.

Example: myfile.m

In addition, file can include a filemarker (>) to specify the path to a particular local function or to a nested function within the file.

Example: myfile>myfunction

Data Types: char | string

Location in file of breakpoint to clear, specified as follows:

  • Line number in file specified as a character vector or string scalar. The default is 1.

  • Line number in file, at the anonymous function number, specified as a character vector or string scalar. For example, 1@2 specifies the second anonymous function on line number 1. If no anonymous function number is specified, then the default is 1.

  • Name of a local function in file specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Type of error breakpoint, specified as follows:

  • error — Run-time error that occurs outside a try/catch block. If you want to clear a breakpoint set for a specific error, then specify the message id. For example:

    • dbclear if error clears all breakpoints set with the dbstop if error command, including breakpoints with a specified message id.

    • dbclear if error MATLAB:ls:InputsMustBeStrings clears the error with a message ID of MATLAB:ls:InputsMustBeStrings.

  • caught error — Run-time error that occurs within the try portion of a try/catch block. If you want to clear a breakpoint set for a specific error, then specify the message id.

  • warning — Run-time warning. If you want to clear a breakpoint set for a specific warning, then specify the message id.

    This condition has no effect when you disable warnings with the warning off all command or when you disable warnings for the specified message id. For more information about disabling warnings, see warning.

  • naninf — Not-a-number error or infinite value error. These errors occur when code returns an infinite value (Inf) or a value that is not a number (NaN) as a result of an operator, function call, or scalar assignment.

  • In R2024b: unsuppressed output— The code displays an unsuppressed output because the line is not suppressed by a semicolon (;). Outputs that are displayed as the result of a function call, such as from disp or fprintf will not stop execution.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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