Main Content Class

Superclasses: handle, matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous

ContentProvider for HTTP message payloads


A ContentProvider supplies data for an HTTP RequestMessage while the message is being sent. A simple provider converts data from a MATLAB® type to a byte stream. More complex providers can stream data to the server, obtaining or generating the data at the same time it is being sent, which avoids the need to have all the data in memory before the start of the message.

Normally, when sending data to a web service (typically in a PUT or POST request), you would create a RequestMessage and insert data in the form of a MessageBody object in the RequestMessage.Body property. When you send that message using RequestMessage.send, MATLAB converts that data into a byte stream to be sent to the server, converting it based on the Content-Type of the message and the type of data in Body.Data. See MessageBody.Data for these conversion rules.

Instead of inserting a MessageBody object into the RequestMessage.Body property, you can create a ContentProvider object and insert that instead. Then, when you send the message, MATLAB calls methods in the ContentProvider to obtain buffers of data to send, while the message is being sent.

Whether you insert a MessageBody or a ContentProvider into the message, the call to RequestMessage.send does not return (that is, it is blocked) until the entire message has been sent and a response has been received, or an error has occurred. But with a ContentProvider, MATLAB makes periodic callbacks into the provider to obtain buffers of data to send, during the time send is blocked. In these callbacks, your ContentProvider can obtain data from any source such as a file, a MATLAB array, a hardware sensor, a MATLAB function, etc. The provider's job is to convert that data to a byte stream, in the form of uint8 buffers, that can be sent to the web.

ContentProvider is an abstract class designed for class authors to subclass with their own data generator or converter, or you can use (or subclass) one of the MATLAB providers that generate the data for you from various sources, without writing a subclass. These providers have options that give you more flexible control over how data is obtained and converted, compared to the automatic conversions that occur when you insert data directly into a MessageBody. Use one of the ContentProvider subclasses:

Even if you do not need to stream data, using one of these providers can simplify the process of sending certain types of content, as they convert data from an internal form into a uint8 stream. For example, FormProvider lets you send form responses to a server, where you can conveniently express the data as an array of QueryParameter objects. MultipartFormProvider lets you send multipart form responses, simplifying the creation of responses to multipart forms. To use any ContentProvider, you need to understand the type of content that the server expects you to send.

The class is a handle class.

Subclass Authors

The simplest possible ContentProvider need only implement a getData method to provide buffers of data as MATLAB requests them. To use your provider, insert it into in the Body property of the RequestMessage. In this example, the third argument to the RequestMessage constructor, a MyProvider object, goes into the Body:

provider = MyProvider;
req ='put', headers, provider);
resp = req.send(uri);

Here is an example a MyProvider class that reads from a file name passed in as an argument to the constructor and sends it to the web. For good measure, we close the file at the end or when this provider is deleted.

    classdef MyProvider <
            FileID double
            function obj = MyProvider(name)
                obj.FileID = fopen(name);
            function [data, stop] = getData(obj, length)
                [data, len] = fread(obj.FileID, length, '*uint8');
                stop = len < length;
                if (stop)
                    obj.FileID = [];
            function delete(obj)
                if ~isempty(obj.FileID)
                    obj.FileID = [];

MATLAB calls a provider's complete method when it is forming a new message to send. The purpose is to allow the provider to prepare for a new message and add any required header fields to the message. MATLAB calls a provider's start method when it is time to send the data, but before the first call to getData.


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Public Properties

Header fields of the message or part, specified as a vector of one or more objects.

This property is only used by subclass authors. MATLAB sets this property before calling the provider's complete method. For non-multipart messages, MATLAB initializes this property to the contents of Request.Header, minus any or empty-valued fields. The ContentProvider uses this property to add header fields that describe the data to be sent, or to add parameters to header fields already in the message. In a delegate for a MultipartProvider, MATLAB initializes this property to header fields that the delegating provider intends to insert for the part. Delegates can modify or change these fields.

Upon return from the provider's complete method, if this not a multipart message, then MATLAB reads this property and merges its contents into the header of Request. Fields in this Header with Names that do not already appear in Request.Header are added to the end of Request.Header. If a field in this Header has a Name that is the same as one in Request.Header, and both have nonempty Values, then:

  • If the one in Request.Header is a GenericField, then ignore the one in Header.

  • If the one in Request.Header is not a GenericField, then replace it with the one in Header.

If one or both of these has an empty Value, then the field is removed from Request.Header and it is not added as part of normal message completion.

If this is a delegate of a MultipartProvider, then the entire contents of this Header is used as the header of the part. Multipart delegates must not assume that Request.Header contains any fields pertaining to their own Header. A provider can determine whether it is a multipart delegate by checking whether MyDelegator is a MultipartProvider, though this test is unlikely to be needed.

MATLAB reads this property only on return from calling the provider's complete method. Changes to this array are ignored once MATLAB calls start.

Class authors should be aware that their subclasses might have added fields to this Header (in their complete method) before calling complete in their superclass. It is best to preserve such fields and not to add fields with the same names. However, adding a parameter to a field is permissible. For example, a superclass can add a charset parameter to an existing Content-Type field that does not already have one.



Indicate whether to force chunked transfer coding, specified as boolean. This property is of interest only to subclass authors, and is applicable only to providers that are not multipart delegates. Subclasses set ForceChunked to control whether contents should be sent using chunked transfer coding. If false (default), MATLAB decides whether to send the contents chunked, based on whether it knows the content length at the time the message is ready to be sent:

  • If MATLAB knows the content length (which is the case if the message contains a Content-Length field, or if this provider's expectedContentLength method returned a number), then MATLAB decides whether to send it chunked or not.

  • If MATLAB does not know the content length (no Content-Length field in the header and expectedContentLength returned empty), then MATLAB always sends the message chunked.

If ForceChunked is true, then MATLAB sends the message chunked regardless of whether it knows the content length, unless the known length is smaller than the chunk size. If this property is true, then the message must not contain a Content-Length field, because HTTP does not allow a chunked message to have a Content-Length field. However, you can still return a nonzero value in the expectedContentLength method if you want MATLAB to verify that you are returning the expected length of data.

When MATLAB chooses to send the message chunked, the size of each chunk is equal to the length of data returned by getData.

MATLAB reads this value after calling the complete method, before calling start. It does not set this field.



Request message to send, specified as a object.

This property is used only by subclass authors. The RequestMessage.send and RequestMessage.complete methods set this property to the RequestMessage in whose Body this provider has been placed, before calling any other methods in this provider, and before adding any additional header fields or validating the message. The provider can examine this message to see what was contained in the original request.

Delegates see the same value for this property as the delegator. ContentProviders should be aware that, if they are delegates, they are not necessarily providing the entire body of the request message, so they should not assume that header fields in this Request are pertinent to the data they are providing. Usually, delegates should ignore header fields in this request relevant to the data, such as Content-Type.

If the provider wishes to add any header fields to this message, or to modify existing ones, it should do so in its complete method by adding those fields to the Header property. The caller of complete (RequestMessage or a delegating provider) determines what to do with those fields. RequestMessage.send and RequestMessage.complete always copy these fields to the Header of the RequestMessage. A delegating provider can copy the fields to its own Header property or insert them into the message (as in the case of MultipartProvider). For more information, see the Header property.

This property is read-only.



Protected Properties

ContentProvider to which this provider is delegating, specified as a object. This property is set in the calling provider (the delegator) by the delegateTo method to indicate the current delegated provider. If there is no current delegation, then the value is empty.

The complete methods set this property to empty.



ContentProvider that delegated to this provider, specified as a object.

If a ContentProvider delegates responsibility for sending all or a portion of the message data to another provider, then this property identifies the delegating provider to the delegate. For example, a MultipartProvider delegates parts of the message to other providers, so it inserts a handle to itself in each delegate. Otherwise, MyDelegator is empty. The delegateTo method sets this property in the delegate.




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Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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