Class: matlab.unittest.TestRunner
Namespace: matlab.unittest
Add plugin to test runner
Input Arguments
— Test runner
Test runner, specified as a matlab.unittest.TestRunner
— Plugin
Plugin, specified as a matlab.unittest.plugins.TestRunnerPlugin
Generate Test Artifact
Generate JUnit-style test results by adding an
instance to the test runner.
In a file named eyeTest.m
in your current folder, create a
function-based test to test the eye
function tests = eyeTest tests = functiontests(localfunctions); end function doubleClassTest(testCase) actual = eye; verifyClass(testCase,actual,"double") end function singleClassTest(testCase) actual = eye("single"); verifyClass(testCase,actual,"single") end function uint16ClassTest(testCase) actual = eye("uint16"); verifyClass(testCase,actual,"uint16") end function sizeTest(testCase) expected = [7 13]; actual = eye(expected); verifySize(testCase,actual,expected) end function valueTest(testCase) actual = eye(42); verifyEqual(testCase,unique(diag(actual)),1) % Diagonal values must be 1 verifyEqual(testCase,unique(triu(actual,1)),0) % Upper triangular values must be 0 verifyEqual(testCase,unique(tril(actual,-1)),0) % Lower triangular values must be 0 end
To run the tests, first import the classes used in this example.
import matlab.unittest.TestRunner import matlab.unittest.plugins.XMLPlugin
Create a test suite from the tests in eyeTest.m
suite = testsuite("eyeTest.m");
Create a test runner with no plugins. This code creates a silent runner that produces no output.
runner = matlab.unittest.TestRunner.withNoPlugins;
You can now add any plugins you choose. Create a plugin that writes JUnit-style XML
output to the file myTestResults.xml
in your current folder. Then,
add the plugin to the test runner.
xmlFile = "myTestResults.xml";
p = XMLPlugin.producingJUnitFormat(xmlFile);
Run the tests. In this example, all the tests pass.
results = run(runner,suite);
View the contents of the generated artifact.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> <testsuites> <testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="eyeTest" skipped="0" tests="5" time="0.25082"> <testcase classname="eyeTest" name="doubleClassTest" time="0.015066"/> <testcase classname="eyeTest" name="singleClassTest" time="0.0042728"/> <testcase classname="eyeTest" name="uint16ClassTest" time="0.0046594"/> <testcase classname="eyeTest" name="sizeTest" time="0.013599"/> <testcase classname="eyeTest" name="valueTest" time="0.21322"/> </testsuite> </testsuites>
Display the Names of Running Tests
Run tests using a plugin that directs the names of tests being run to an output stream. Pass a ToStandardOutput
instance to the plugin so that it directs the text it produces to the screen.
Create Custom Plugin
In a file named ExamplePlugin.m
in your current folder, create the ExamplePlugin
class, which overrides the runTest
method of TestRunnerPlugin
. The plugin directs the name of each test being run to the output stream specified during construction of the plugin.
classdef ExamplePlugin < matlab.unittest.plugins.TestRunnerPlugin properties (SetAccess=immutable) Output end methods function plugin = ExamplePlugin(stream) arguments stream (1,1) matlab.automation.streams.OutputStream end plugin.Output = stream; end end methods (Access=protected) function runTest(plugin,pluginData) print(plugin.Output,"### Running test: %s\n",pluginData.Name) % Invoke the superclass method runTest@matlab.unittest.plugins.TestRunnerPlugin( ... plugin,pluginData) end end end
Create Example Test Class
In a file named ZerosTest.m
in your current folder, create the ZerosTest
class, which tests the zeros
classdef ZerosTest < matlab.unittest.TestCase properties (TestParameter) type = {'single','double','uint16'}; size = struct("s2d",[3 3],"s3d",[2 5 4]); end methods (Test) function testClass(testCase,size,type) testCase.verifyClass(zeros(size,type),type) end function testSize(testCase,size) testCase.verifySize(zeros(size),size) end function testDefaultClass(testCase) testCase.verifyClass(zeros,"double") end function testDefaultSize(testCase) testCase.verifySize(zeros,[1 1]) end function testDefaultValue(testCase) testCase.verifyEqual(zeros,0) end end end
Add Plugin to Test Runner and Run Tests
To run the tests, first import the classes used in this example.
import matlab.unittest.TestRunner import matlab.automation.streams.ToStandardOutput
Create a test suite from the ZerosTest
suite = testsuite("ZerosTest");
Create a test runner with no plugins. This code creates a silent runner that produces no output.
runner = testrunner("minimal");
You can now add any plugins you choose. Create an ExamplePlugin
instance that directs text output to the screen.
plugin = ExamplePlugin(ToStandardOutput);
Add the plugin to the test runner and run the tests. As the tests run, the names of the tests appear on the screen.
runner.addPlugin(plugin) results =;
### Running test: ZerosTest/testClass(size=s2d,type=single) ### Running test: ZerosTest/testClass(size=s2d,type=double) ### Running test: ZerosTest/testClass(size=s2d,type=uint16) ### Running test: ZerosTest/testClass(size=s3d,type=single) ### Running test: ZerosTest/testClass(size=s3d,type=double) ### Running test: ZerosTest/testClass(size=s3d,type=uint16) ### Running test: ZerosTest/testSize(size=s2d) ### Running test: ZerosTest/testSize(size=s3d) ### Running test: ZerosTest/testDefaultClass ### Running test: ZerosTest/testDefaultSize ### Running test: ZerosTest/testDefaultValue
Version History
Introduced in R2013a
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