Visualización de volúmenes
Visualice datos volumétricos y datos de campos vectoriales 3D. Por ejemplo, puede mostrar datos volumétricos como cortes en dos dimensiones.
- Visualización de datos volumétricos
Este ejemplo muestra varios métodos para visualizar datos volumétricos en MATLAB®.
- Overview of Volume Visualization
Volume visualization is the creation of graphical representations of data sets that are defined on three-dimensional grids.
- Techniques for Visualizing Scalar Volume Data
There are several techniques available for visualizing scalar volume data, such as MRI slices.
- Visualización de datos cuatridimensionales
Este ejemplo muestra varias técnicas para visualizar datos cuatridimensionales (4D) en MATLAB®.
- Visualizing Vector Volume Data
There are several techniques that are useful for visualizing vector data, such as stream lines, stream particles, stream ribbons, stream tubes, and cone plots.
- Exploring Volumes with Slice Planes
A slice plane is a surface that takes on coloring based on the values of the volume data in the region where the slice is positioned.
- Connecting Equal Values with Isosurfaces
Isosurfaces are constructed by creating a surface within the volume that has the same value at each vertex. Isosurface plots are similar to contour plots in that they both indicate where values are equal.
- Isocaps Add Context to Visualizations
Isocaps are planes that are fitted to the limits of an isosurface to provide a visual context for the isosurface.
- Display Streamlines Using Vector Data
Visualize air currents in 3-D using streamlines, slice planes, and contours on the same plot.
- Displaying Curl with Stream Ribbons
Stream ribbons illustrate direction of flow, similar to stream lines, but can also show rotation about the flow axis by twisting the ribbon-shaped flow line.
- Displaying Divergence with Stream Tubes
Stream tubes are similar to stream lines, except the tubes have width, providing another dimension that you can use to represent information.
- Create Stream Particle Animations
Visualize the speed and direction of particles within vector fields using streamlines.
- Vector Field Displayed with Cone Plots
This example shows how to use cone plots, isosurfaces, lighting, and camera placement to visualize a vector field.