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Display VectorFieldHistogram information in figure window


show(vfh) shows histograms calculated by the VFH+ algorithm in a figure window. The figure also includes the parameters of the controllerVFH object and range values from the last object call.


show(vfh,'Parent',parent) sets the specified axes handle, parent, to the axes.

h = show(___) returns the figure object handle created by show using any of the arguments from the previous syntaxes.


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This example shows how to calculate a steering direction based on input laser scan data.

Create a controllerVFH object. Set the UseLidarScan property to true.

vfh = controllerVFH;
vfh.UseLidarScan = true;

Input laser scan data and target direction.

ranges = 10*ones(1,500);
ranges(1,225:275) = 1.0;
angles = linspace(-pi,pi,500);
targetDir = 0;

Create a lidarScan object by specifying the ranges and angles.

scan = lidarScan(ranges,angles);

Compute an obstacle-free steering direction.

steeringDir = vfh(scan,targetDir);

Visualize the VectorFieldHistogram computation.

h = figure;
set(h,'Position',[50 50 800 400])

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Polaraxes object 1 contains 2 objects of type histogram, line. This object represents Histogram thresholds. Polaraxes object 2 contains 5 objects of type histogram, line, scatter. These objects represent Target direction, Steering direction, Range readings, Distance limits.

Input Arguments

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Vector field histogram algorithm, specified as a controllerVFH object. This object contains all the parameters for tuning the VFH+ algorithm.

Axes properties, specified as a PolarAxes handle. See PolarAxes Properties for more information about PolarAxes.

Output Arguments

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Axes handles for VFH algorithm display, specified as an array of PolarAxes handles. The VFH histogram and HistogramThresholds are shown in the first axes. The binary histogram, range sensor readings, target direction, and steering directions are shown in the second axes. See PolarAxes Properties for more information about PolarAxes.

Version History

Introduced in R2019b

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