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Tables describing each created matching network's topology and performance


c = circuitDescriptions(mnobj) returns a table, c describing each possible matching network in a row. The source is attached to the leftmost component on the table line, and the load is attached to the rightmost component on the table line.

[c,p] = circuitDescriptions(mnobj) returns a table, c describing each possible matching network in a row and a table, p with details about the circuit performance.



collapse all

Show the description and performance of each possible matching network.

matchnet = matchingnetwork;
[c,p] = circuitDescriptions(matchnet)
c=2×5 table
                 circuitName    component1Type    component1Value    component2Type    component2Value
                 ___________    ______________    _______________    ______________    _______________

    Circuit 1     "auto_2"        "Shunt L"             Inf            "Series L"              0      
    Circuit 2     "auto_1"        "Series L"              0            "Shunt L"             Inf      

p=2×4 table
                 circuitName    evaluationPassed    testsFailed     performanceScore
                 ___________    ________________    ____________    ________________

    Circuit 1     "auto_2"         {["Yes"]}        {0x0 double}       {[3.0000]}   
    Circuit 2     "auto_1"         {["Yes"]}        {0x0 double}       {[3.0000]}   

Input Arguments

collapse all

Matching network, specified as a matchingnetwork object.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

collapse all

Description of each possible matching network, returned as a table.

Description of the performance of each possible matching network, returned as a table. This table tells you if the matching network meets all performance goals, which performance goals have failed, and the overall performance metric used for ranking.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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