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Table of evaluation parameters currently used to rank and pass or fail matching network designs


c = getEvaluationParameters(mnobj) returns a table of evaluation parameters that are currently used to rank and pass or fail matching networks.



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Show the evaluation parameters of a default matching network.

matchnet = matchingnetwork;
c = getEvaluationParameters(matchnet)
c=1×6 table
    Parameter    Comparison     Goal               Band              Weight       Source    
    _________    __________    ______    ________________________    ______    _____________

     {'Gt'}        {'>'}       {[-3]}    {[950000000 1.0500e+09]}    {[1]}     {'Automatic'}

Create a dipole antenna and create the S-parameters of the antenna. This example requires Antenna Toolbox.

d       = dipole('Length', 0.103, 'Width',0.0022);
freq    = linspace(0.5e9,2.5e9,1001);
sd      = sparameters(d, freq);

Alternatively, load S-Parameters from the MAT file

% load('sparams_dipole.mat')

Create a matching network from the S-parameters.

n = matchingnetwork('LoadImpedance',sd,'Components',3,...

Get the evaluation parameters of the network.

t = getEvaluationParameters(n)
t=1×6 table
    Parameter    Comparison     Goal               Band               Weight       Source    
    _________    __________    ______    _________________________    ______    _____________

     {'Gt'}        {'>'}       {[-3]}    {[1.8571e+09 2.1429e+09]}    {[1]}     {'Automatic'}

Plot the reflection coefficient and transducer gain of the matching network circuit 1 , at a frequency range of 1 GHz to 2.5 GHz.

rfplot(n, (1e9:0.001e9:2.5e9),1);

Figure Circuit 1 contains an axes object. The axes object with title Performance for Circuit 1 ('auto_2') (Passed), xlabel Frequency (GHz), ylabel Magnitude (dB) contains 3 objects of type line, rectangle. These objects represent Circuit 1: |gammain|, dB, Circuit 1: |Gt|, dB.

Add a new evaluation parameter to compare the transducer gain to have a cut-off of less than -10 dB. Use a frequency range of 0.5 GHz to 1.5 GHz. Plot the comparisons.

n = addEvaluationParameter(n, 'Gt', '<', -10, [0.5e9 1.5e9], 1);
t = getEvaluationParameters(n)
t=2×6 table
    Parameter    Comparison     Goal                Band               Weight          Source      
    _________    __________    _______    _________________________    ______    __________________

     {'Gt'}        {'>'}       {[ -3]}    {[1.8571e+09 2.1429e+09]}    {[1]}     {'Automatic'     }
     {'Gt'}        {'<'}       {[-10]}    {[ 500000000 1.5000e+09]}    {[1]}     {'User-specified'}

rfplot(n, (1e9:0.001e9:2.5e9),1);

Figure Circuit 1 contains an axes object. The axes object with title Performance for Circuit 1 ('auto_8') (Passed), xlabel Frequency (GHz), ylabel Magnitude (dB) contains 4 objects of type line, rectangle. These objects represent Circuit 1: |gammain|, dB, Circuit 1: |Gt|, dB.

Clear evaluation parameters.

n = clearEvaluationParameter(n,1);
t = getEvaluationParameters(n)
t=1×6 table
    Parameter    Comparison     Goal                Band              Weight          Source      
    _________    __________    _______    ________________________    ______    __________________

     {'Gt'}        {'<'}       {[-10]}    {[500000000 1.5000e+09]}    {[1]}     {'User-specified'}

Input Arguments

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Matching network, specified as a matchingnetwork object.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

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Evaluation parameters currently used to rank and pass or fail matching networks, returned as a table.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a