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Create tee trace

Since R2021b


Use the traceTee object to create a tee trace on the X-Y plane.


This shape object supports behavioral modeling. For more information, see Behavioral Models.




trace = traceTee creates a tee trace with default properties on the X-Y plane.

trace = traceTee(Name=Value) sets Properties using one or more name-value arguments. For example, traceTee(ReferencePoint=[1 1]) creates a tee trace with the reference point [1 1]. Properties not specified retain their default values.


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Name of the tee trace, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

Example: trace = traceTee(Name="traceTeeShape")

Data Types: char | string

Reference point of the tee trace in meters, specified as a two-element vector of nonnegative elements.

Example: trace = traceTee(ReferencePoint=[1 1])

Data Types: double

Length of the horizontal and vertical lines in meters, specified as a two-element vector of positive elements.

Example: trace = traceTee(Length=[0.0300 0.0200])

Data Types: double

Width of the horizontal and vertical lines in meters, specified as a two-element vector of positive elements.

Example: trace = traceTee(Width=[0.0060 0.0060])

Data Types: double

Offset along the X-axis in meters, specified as a nonnegative scalar.

Example: trace = traceTee(Offset=0.0005)

Data Types: double

Object Functions

addBoolean unite operation on two RF PCB shapes
subtractBoolean subtraction operation on two RF PCB shapes
intersectBoolean intersection operation on two RF PCB shapes
plusShape1 + Shape2 for RF PCB shapes
minusShape1 - Shape2 for RF PCB shapes
andShape1 & Shape2 for RF PCB shapes
areaCalculate area of RF PCB shape in square meters
rotateRotate RF PCB shape about defined axis
rotateXRotate RF PCB shape about x-axis
rotateYRotate RF PCB shape about y-axis and angle
rotateZRotate RF PCB shape about z-axis
translateMove RF PCB shape to new location
scaleChange size of RF PCB shape by fixed amount


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Create a tee trace with default properties.

trace = traceTee
trace = 
  traceTee with properties:

              Name: 'mytraceTeeShape'
    ReferencePoint: [0 0]
            Length: [0.0200 0.0100]
             Width: [0.0050 0.0050]
            Offset: 0

View the trace.


Design a microstrip transmission line at 3 GHz for FR4 substrate.

m = design(microstripLine('Substrate',dielectric('FR4')),3e9);

Create a microstrip T-junction.

layer2d = traceTee('Length',[m.Length m.Length/4],...
"Width",[m.Width m.Width/2]);

Convert the T-junction trace to a 3-D component.

robj = pcbComponent(layer2d);
robj.BoardThickness = m.Substrate.Thickness;
robj.Layers{2} = m.Substrate;

Define frequency points to calculate the s-parameters.

freq = (1:40)*100e6;

Calculate the s-parameters of the T-junction trace using the behavioral model.

Sckt = sparameters(robj,freq,75,'Behavioral',true);
Warning: Behavioral model is valid only when Z0 of main line is 50 ohms and for EpsilonR of 9.9.

Calculate the s-parameters of the T-junction trace using the electromagnetic solver.

Sem = sparameters(robj,freq,75)
Sem = 
  sparameters with properties:

      Impedance: 75
       NumPorts: 3
     Parameters: [3x3x40 double]
    Frequencies: [40x1 double]

Plot the s-parameter data using the rfplot function.

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  1. Ramesh Garg & I. J. Bahl (1978) Microstrip discontinuities, International Journal of Electronics, 45:1, 81-87, DOI: 10.1080/00207217808900883

  2. Wadell, Brian C. Transmission Line Design Handbook. The Artech House Microwave Library. Boston: Artech House, 1991.

Version History

Introduced in R2021b