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Multirate Signal Processing

Decimation, interpolation, downsampling, upsampling, antialiasing filter

Resample uniform or nonuniform data to a new fixed rate. Perform decimation and linear or higher-order interpolation without introducing aliasing.


Signal AnalyzerVisualize and compare multiple signals and spectra


decimateDecimation — decrease sample rate by integer factor
downsampleDecrease sample rate by integer factor
fillgapsFill gaps using autoregressive modeling
interpInterpolation — increase sample rate by integer factor
interp11-D data interpolation (table lookup)
intfiltInterpolation FIR filter design
pchipPiecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial (PCHIP)
resampleResample uniform or nonuniform data to new fixed rate
splineCubic spline data interpolation
upfirdnUpsample, apply FIR filter, and downsample
upsampleIncrease sample rate by integer factor


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