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Simulation Setup

Select optimal solvers for physical simulation, specify model scaling

You choose global, or model-wide, solvers through Simulink®, by using the model configuration parameters. You can also use a local Simscape™ solver for parts of the system, and adjust other options in the Solver Configuration block. For recommended choices, see Making Optimal Solver Choices for Physical Simulation.


Simscape Variable Scaling AnalyzerResolve variable scaling issues and improve simulation speed of Simscape models (Since R2021b)

Model Settings

Explicit solver used in model containing Physical Networks blocksOption to issue warning or error if model uses explicit solver for simulation
Zero-crossing control is globally disabled in SimulinkOption to issue warning or error if zero-crossing control is globally disabled during simulation
Normalize using nominal valuesOption to specify whether to scale the system based on nominal values
Specify nominal valuesOption to view, add, and edit value-unit pairs of model nominal values


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