Conceptos básicos de modelado
Establezca opciones de configuración de modelos, obtenga datos periféricos a partir del hardware y registre señales de modelos.
- Model Configuration Parameters for Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware
Parameter and configuration options for creating and running applications on Simulink® Support Package for Arduino® Hardware.
- Communicate with Hardware Using Connected IO
Get peripheral data from the hardware before deploying the Simulink model on the hardware.
- Log Signals on an SD Card
Log signals from Simulink models on an SD card mounted on the target hardware.
- PASO 1: Prerequisites for Logging Signals
- PASO 2: Enable MAT-File Logging
- PASO 3: Configure Model to Log Signals on SD Card
- PASO 4: Run Model on Target Hardware
- PASO 5: Import MAT-Files into MATLAB
Solución de problemas
Memory and Signal Logging Limitations on SD Card
Memory and signal logging limitations on SD Card mounted on an Arduino hardware.