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Real-Time Application Instrument Panel Apps

Graphical instruments for displaying signal values, setting parameter values

Interface with a real-time application running on a target computer through graphical instrument panels. Create instrument panels, add instruments to the panels, and then connect parameters and signals to the instruments by using instrument objects. Run your real-time application in MATLAB®. Use the instruments to control the parameters and view the signal outputs. See Instrumentation Apps for Real-Time Applications.


Simulink Real-TimeGenerate real-time applications for simulations that run on a target computer and interface with I/O devices in the target computer (Since R2020b)
Simulink Real-Time ExplorerInteract with target computer and real-time application running on target computer (Since R2020b)
Simulink Real-Time TET MonitorObserve task execution time for the real-time application running on target computer (Since R2020b)
Simulink Real-Time App GeneratorGenerate instrument panel app to interact with target computer and real-time application running on target computer (Since R2022a)
Simulink Real-Time Application Property InspectorView and modify application properties (Since R2023b)


Simulation Data InspectorInspect and compare data and simulation results to validate and iterate model designs


InstrumentCreate real-time instrument object (Since R2020b)
slrealtime.instrument.LineStyleCreate real-time instrument LineStyle object (Since R2022b)


slrtExplorerOpen Simulink Real-Time explorer and interact with target computers and real-time applications (Since R2020b)
slrtTETMonitorOpen Simulink Real-Time task execution time (TET) monitor (Since R2020b)
slrtAppGeneratorGenerate instrument panel app to interact with target computer and real-time application running on target computer (Since R2022a)
slrtApplicationInspectorOpen Simulink Real-Time Application Property Inspector and view the application information, signals, parameters (Since R2023b)
getAllInstrumentsGet information on instruments added to target object (Since R2021b)

Simulink Real-Time App Designer Button and Display Components

ConnectButtonCreate connect target computer button for instrument panel UI
ImportFileLogButtonCreate import file log button for instrument panel UI
LatchButtonCreate latch button for instrument panel UI
LoadButtonCreate load real-time application button for instrument panel UI
MomentaryButtonCreate momentary button for instrument panel UI
ParameterSetButtonCreate real-time application parameter set button for instrument panel UI
ParameterTableCreate parameter table for instrument panel UI
RebootButtonCreate reboot target computer button for instrument panel UI
RecordButtonCreate record (log and stream signals) real-time application button for instrument panel UI
SignalTableCreate signal table for instrument panel UI
SimulationTimeEditFieldCreate simulation time edit field component for instrument panel UI
StartStopButtonCreate start-stop real-time application button for instrument panel UI
StatusBarCreate status bar for instrument panel UI
StopTimeEditFieldCreate stop time edit field component for instrument panel UI
SystemLogCreate system log component for instrument panel UI
TETMonitorCreate TET monitor component for instrument panel UI
UpdateButtonCreate update target computer software button for instrument panel UI

Simulink Real-Time App Designer Manager and Interface Components

EventManagerCreate event manager component for target computer events
InstrumentManagerCreate instrument manager component for App Designer components in instrument panel UI
Menu Create menu of commands for instrument panel UI
ParameterTunerCreate parameter tuner component for App Designer component in instrument panel UI
TargetSelectorCreate target computer selector component for instrument panel UI


slrealtime.ui Propertiesslrealtime UI component properties for instrument panel UI (Since R2021b)


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