concatenates the values of the dictionary of JTFS coefficients smat
= scatteringFeatures(jtfn
along the path dimension. cfs
is the output of scatteringTransform
specifies options using one or more name-value arguments. You can add these arguments to
either of the previous input syntaxes. For example, to exclude the second-order time
scattering coefficients with spin-up wavelets from the output, set
= scatteringFeatures(___,Name=Value
to "SpinUp"
Raw Data Input name-value
arguments are valid only for x
Obtain JTFS Coefficients as a Tensor
Create a single-precision random signal with three channels and 1024 samples representing one batch. Save the signal as a dlarray
in "CTB"
nchan = 3;
nsam = 1024;
nbatch = 1;
sig = single(randn([nchan nsam nbatch]));
x = dlarray(sig,"CTB");
Create a JTFS network appropriate for the signal. Set the filter data type of the network to "single"
jtfn = timeFrequencyScattering(SignalLength=nsam, ... FilterDataType="single");
Use the scatteringTransform
function to obtain the JTFS transform of the signal. Specify a time oversampling factor of 1 and exclude the "S1SpinUpFreqLowpass"
tosf = 1; excl = "S1SpinUpFreqLowpass"; outCFS = scatteringTransform(jtfn,x, ... TimeOverSamplingFactor=tosf, ... ExcludeCoefficients=excl)
outCFS = dictionary (string ⟼ cell) with 4 entries: "S1FreqLowpass" ⟼ {1×6×16×3 dlarray} "SpinUp" ⟼ {35×6×16×3 dlarray} "SpinDown" ⟼ {35×6×16×3 dlarray} "U2JointLowpass" ⟼ {7×6×16×3 dlarray}
Use the same input arguments with the scatteringFeatures
function to obtain the JTFS coefficients as a tensor. Confirm the tensor is an unformatted dlarray
and the underlying data type is single precision.
smat = scatteringFeatures(jtfn,x, ... TimeOverSamplingFactor=tosf, ... ExcludeCoefficients=excl); size(smat)
ans = 1×4
78 6 16 3
ans = 0×0 empty char array
ans = 'single'
Concatenate the dictionary values of outCFS
along the first (path) dimension. Confirm the result is equal to the tensor smat
dValues = values(outCFS); dValuesConCat = cat(1,dValues{:}); max(abs(smat(:)-dValuesConCat(:)))
ans = 1×1 single dlarray 0
Apply Normalization Methods to JTFS Coefficients
Load a signal. Create a JTFS network appropriate for the signal.
load noisdopp
sig = noisdopp;
len = numel(sig);
jtfn = timeFrequencyScattering(SignalLength=len);
Use the scatteringFeatures
function to obtain the JTFS transform of the signal as a tensor. The result is a 3-D array with format path-by-frequency-by-time.
smatOrig = scatteringFeatures(jtfn,sig); size(smatOrig)
ans = 1×3
83 6 8
Use the scatteringFeatures
function to apply the "zscore"
normalization method to the JTFS coefficients. When you specify this method, scatteringFeatures
normalizes the coefficients by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation across the frequency and time dimensions. For the standard deviation, the function uses the default weight of 0.
smatZscore = scatteringFeatures(jtfn,sig, ... Normalization="zscore");
Obtain the mean across the second (frequency) and third (time) dimensions of the array. The result is a vector whose length is the number of paths. Each vector element is the mean of the normalized JTFS coefficients on the corresponding path. Confirm the largest mean is approximately 0.
mn = mean(smatZscore,[2 3]); size(mn)
ans = 1×2
83 1
ans = 1.4063e-15
Confirm the standard deviation of the normalized coefficients on each path is equal to 1.
stdCoef = std(smatZscore,[],[2 3]); [min(stdCoef) max(stdCoef)]
ans = 1×2
1.0000 1.0000
Use the zscore
(Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) function to obtain the z-scores of the original coefficients across the frequency and time dimensions. Confirm they are equal to the normalized coefficients.
smatOrigZscore = zscore(smatOrig,0,[2 3]); max(abs(smatOrigZscore(:)-smatZscore(:)))
ans = 0
Use the scatteringFeatures
function to apply the "log"
normalization method to the JTFS coefficients. When you specify the "log"
method, scatteringFeatures
first applies a logarithmic transformation to the coefficients and then obtains the z-score.
smatLog = scatteringFeatures(jtfn,sig, ... Normalization="log");
A quantile-quantile plot shows quantiles of a data set plotted versus the theoretical quantile values from a Gaussian distribution. If the distribution of the data set is normal, then the data plot appears linear.
Use the qqplot
(Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) function to display quantile-quantile plots of the raw and normalized coefficients. The "log"
normalization method has transformed the coefficients distribution closer to a Gaussian distribution.
title("Without Log Normalization")
title("With Log Normalization")
Input Arguments
— Joint time-frequency scattering network
Joint time-frequency scattering network, specified as a timeFrequencyScattering
— Input data
numeric array | dlarray
Input data, specified as a formatted or unformatted dlarray
(Deep Learning Toolbox) object
or a numeric array. If x
is a formatted dlarray
it must be in "CBT"
format. If x
is an
unformatted dlarray
, it must be compatible with
format and you must set
If x
is 2-D, the scatteringFeatures
function assumes the first dimension is time and the columns of x
are separate channels. If x
is 3-D, the dimensions of
are time-by-channel-by-batch.
is a vector or unformatteddlarray
, the number of samples inx
must match theSignalLength
property ofjtfn
is a numeric or unformatted matrix or a 3-D array, the number of rows inx
must matchSignalLength
is a formatteddlarray
, the length of the time dimension must matchSignalLength
Data Types: single
| double
— JTFS coefficients
JTFS coefficients, specified as a dictionary
is the output of
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Example: jtfs =
the format of the unformatted dlarray
as "CBT"
and takes the mean along the frequency
dimension for all JTFS coefficients.
— Coefficients to exclude
(default) | string vector | cell array of character vectors
Coefficients to exclude from the JTFS transform, specified as a string vector or cell array of character vectors. You can specify these coefficients:
— First-order time scattering coefficients filtered with the frequency lowpass filter"S1SpinUpFreqLowpass"
— First-order time scattering coefficients with the spin-up frequency wavelets"SpinUp"
— Second-order time scattering coefficients with spin-up wavelets"SpinDown"
— Second-order time scattering coefficients with spin-down wavelets"U2JointLowpass"
— Second-order time scattering coefficients filtered with joint lowpass filters
Example: jtfs =
— Normalization method
(default) | "zscore"
| "log"
Normalization method for JTFS coefficients, specified as one of the following:
— Do not normalize the coefficients."zscore"
— Subtract the mean and divide by the standard deviation across the frequency and time dimensions. For the standard deviation, thescatteringFeatures
function uses the default weight of 0."log"
— Logarithmic transformation followed by"zscore"
. This method transforms the JTFS coefficients distribution closer to a Gaussian distribution [1].
— Time-averaging option
(default) | "global"
Time-averaging option, specified as one of these:
uses the lowpass filter when obtaining the JTFS coefficients."global"
takes the mean along the time dimension for all JTFS coefficients.
— Frequency-averaging option
(default) | "global"
Frequency-averaging option, specified as one of these:
uses the lowpass frequency filter when obtaining the JTFS coefficients."global"
takes the mean along the frequency dimension for all JTFS coefficients.
— Time oversampling factor
(default) | nonnegative integer
Time oversampling factor, specified as a nonnegative integer. The factor specifies how much the coefficients are oversampled in time with respect to the critically downsampled values. The factor is on a base-2 logarithmic scale.
If you increase the oversampling factor, the computational costs and memory requirements of the scattering transform also increase.
Data Types: single
| double
— Frequency oversampling factor
(default) | nonnegative integer
Frequency oversampling factor, specified as a nonnegative integer. The factor specifies how much the coefficients are oversampled in frequency with respect to the critically downsampled values. The factor is on a base-2 logarithmic scale.
If you increase the oversampling factor, the computational costs and memory requirements of the scattering transform also increase.
Data Types: single
| double
— Data format
character vector | string scalar
Data format of x
, specified as a character vector or string
scalar. This name-value argument is valid only if x
is an
unformatted dlarray
. If x
is not a
, DataFormat
is ignored.
Each character in this argument must be one of these labels:
— Channel"B"
— Batch observations"T"
— Time
can be any permutation of
Data Types: char
| string
Output Arguments
— Joint time-frequency scattering transform
array | unformatted dlarray
Joint time-frequency scattering transform, returned as an array or an unformatted
object. If scatteringTransform
the dictionary of JTFS coefficients outCFS
using a specific set of
input arguments, then scatteringFeatures
returns the concatenation
of those dictionary values using the same arguments.
[1] Lostanlen, Vincent, Christian El-Hajj, Mathias Rossignol, Grégoire Lafay, Joakim Andén, and Mathieu Lagrange. “Time–Frequency Scattering Accurately Models Auditory Similarities between Instrumental Playing Techniques.” EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing 2021, no. 1 (December 2021): 3.
Extended Capabilities
GPU Arrays
Accelerate code by running on a graphics processing unit (GPU) using Parallel Computing Toolbox™.
The scatteringFeatures
fully supports GPU arrays. To run the function on a GPU, specify the input data as a gpuArray
(Parallel Computing Toolbox). For more information, see Run MATLAB Functions on a GPU (Parallel Computing Toolbox).
Version History
Introduced in R2024b
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