Find pattern in vector while ignoring/skipping certain indices
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Is there an efficient way to search for a specific pattern in a mat vector while ignoring some indices in the pattern?
For example, I need to search for a 9-element pattern [0 4 X 0 6 Y 0 8 Z] in a mat vector, where X, Y, Z can be any values.
I currently have a loop based approach but is there a faster vectorized approach?
Thank you.
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Respuestas (4)
Image Analyst
el 11 de Jun. de 2022
I think this should work but for your given pattern, and a vector of 100 million elements of random values, I never did see a match. And I ran it several times. Never found a match so hopefully you believe there should be a match somehow and you're not just using random integers like I did.
% Create sample data.
vec = randi(8, 1, 100000000);
% Define the pattern. Nan = "don't care".
pattern = [0 4 nan 0 6 nan 0 8 nan]
% Define a mask for what values we want to check.
mask = ~isnan(pattern)
lastIndex = length(vec) - length(pattern);
% Scan along the vector looking for matches.
for k = 1 : lastIndex
% Print out progress every 100 thousand window locations.
if mod(k, 100000) == 0
fprintf('k = %d of %d (%.1f%%)\n', k, lastIndex, 100*k/lastIndex);
% Extract the window.
thisWindow = vec(k : k+length(pattern)-1);
% Compare this window to our pattern but only at the mask = true locations.
if isequal(pattern(mask), thisWindow(mask))
% Found a match. Report where it was.
fprintf('Match at k = %d where vec = [%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d]\n', k, thisWindow)
1 comentario
Image Analyst
el 11 de Jun. de 2022
If there is a match, it will find it quickly, just like the other solutions since it's basically the same algorithm.
Matt J
el 11 de Jun. de 2022
Editada: Matt J
el 11 de Jun. de 2022
vec=[0 4 1 0 6 5 0 8 7, 3 3 3 , 0 4 2 0 6 4 0 8 6]; %patterns start at i=1 and i=13
pat = [0 4 nan 0 6 nan 0 8 nan];
pat=pat(:); vec=vec(:)';
m=numel(vec); n=numel(pat);
sequences = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(i)vec(i+idx),include,'uni',0));
matchlocations=find(all(sequences==pat(include),1) )
0 comentarios
per isakson
el 11 de Jun. de 2022
I assume it's a vector of integers.
Steve Amphlett showed this trick at comp.soft-sys.matlab twenty years ago.
%% Create sample data
pat = [0,4,nan,0,6,nan,0,8,nan];
msk = true(1,numel(pat));
msk(isnan(pat)) = false;
pat(not(msk)) = 0;
vec = randi([-8,8],1,1e6);
vec(101:109) = [0,4,11,0,6,12,0,8,13];
vec(701:709) = [0,4,14,0,6,15,0,8,16];
%% Search matches
z = conv(vec,pat(end:-1:1));
hit = find(abs(z==sum(pat.^2)))-numel(pat)+1;
% hit may contain false hits.
for ix = hit
v9 = vec(ix:ix+8);
if all( v9(msk) == pat(msk) )
0 comentarios
el 11 de Jun. de 2022
Editada: Voss
el 11 de Jun. de 2022
% the pattern:
pat = [0 4 NaN 0 6 NaN 0 8 NaN];
% create some data containing the pattern:
data = randn(1,10000);
idx = find(~isnan(pat));
for ii = 100:100:9900
data(ii+idx-1) = pat(idx);
% find the pattern in the data:
idx = find(~isnan(pat));
result = find(all(data((0:numel(data)-numel(pat)).'+idx) == pat(idx),2));
% display the result:
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