Problem 57715. Easy Sequences 96: One-line Code Challenge - Polynomial Folding Function

The Matlab fold function is a very useful functional programming construct. Unfortunatlely, fold is not available io Cody players.
In this problem we are required to create the function foldPoly, that takes in 2 inputs, a polynomial vector P and a values vector V. Assuming V is never empty, we define the function as follows:
foldPoly = @(P,V) fold(@(a,b) polyval(P,a+b),V);
which is equivalent, in older Matlab, to:
function z = foldPoly(P,V)
z = V(1);
for i = 2:length(V)
z = polyval(P,(V(i)+z));
The challenge here is to write the foldPoly function in just one (1) line of code, excluding the function start and end line.
NOTE: Empty lines and comment lines (starting with %) shall not be counted, but semicolons (;) will be considered as an end-of-line character.
HINT: It is helpful to have a Matlab in your computer (or you can use Matlab Online), to be able check if your implementation behaves the same way as the built-in fold function.

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100.0% Correct | 0.0% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Mar 02, 2023

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