Resultados de
- If the battery has SOC >= 50%, it has to discharge. If the battery has SOC < 50%, it has to charge.
- While discharging, if the battery reaches 0% SOC, it goes to rest.
- While charging, if the battery reaches 100% SOC, it goes to rest.

- Date: 7/14 at 11am
- Link:
hello can some body help me regarding designing a project in simulink to estimate the state of health of a battery ?... including kalman filter .... at least i need the battery cell equivalent circuit in simulink and the idea of the estimation method
many thanks

I have a datasheet of an induction motor (as figure below). I want to simulate it on matlab/simulink, but I don't know it's parameters (Lls, Llr, Lm, Rr, Rs).
I tried to search about open circuit test and blocked rotor test to determine these parameters, but some of information doesn't appear on datasheet and I don't have the real motor to test on it (datasheet is only think I have).
Could someone help me with this?