
Mathieu NOE

Last seen: 1 día hace Con actividad desde 2015

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Engineer - mechanices /ekectronics / signal processing Average matlab user for 20 years now. Professional Interests: signal processing, adaptive control, noise and vibration processing


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Sampling time of matlab figure data
hello to retrieve data from a figure , you can do it by two ways : for recent releases : openfig('data points.fig'); set(...

1 día hace | 0

Interpolate pairs of values from matrix
hello you can surely get the required x , y data for a given z value ; use contour for that purpose as shown in code example b...

2 días hace | 0

how to extract (x) coordinates and (y) coordinates of the top boundary from bwimage
hello this is a solution that does not even require the Image processing toolbox of course I had to do a bit of gym to conver...

3 días hace | 0

Trouble in reading .tdms file
hello No toolbox required here - I simply used this Fex submission (files are attached if you prefer the fast way) ConvertTD...

3 días hace | 0

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Plot Fourier Transform (FFT) Interpolation Model into future
hello Giacomo first I corrected some minor bugs (before we dig into more technical stuff) A is an amplitude so you should t...

4 días hace | 0

Colormap generated using the information of different arrays
hello Richard again you were pretty close to the solution , but to actually make the transparency work you should replace this...

9 días hace | 1

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comment savoir si un dossier est vide
hello The dir structure will return only the two directories entries '.' and '..'. So, check length(d)==2, if that is the cas...

11 días hace | 0

Moving window percentile computation using Conv
hello maybe this ? NB it does not need conv but requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox % dummy data t= 0:0.25:100;...

12 días hace | 0

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Why does the signal become thicker after noise reduction and the dots on both sides diverge?
hello again you can already get decent results with smoothdata , other smoothing techniques based on splines or NN could also ...

15 días hace | 0

extracting overlapping portions of 2 similar tracks
hello you could do something like this ... I have manually checked which track is the longest and the code works here because ...

23 días hace | 0

Matlab code to find the Wave height
hello again I am by no means an image processing expert, but sometimes I go outside my comfort zone ... hopefully my suggestion...

24 días hace | 0

how to separate the real and imaginary parts inside a cell
Maybe this ? % create dummy data n = 32; for k = 1:2 cellarray{k} = k*ones(n,n)*(1+1i*5); end % process it for ...

25 días hace | 0

Change format of field contour labels that have been manually added in a tiled layout
why not create explicitely the levels (V array) ? a = 0.98; b = 1.02; Z = peaks(99)/100 + (a+b)/2 ; XY = [-0.375:.125:.37...

25 días hace | 0

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How to find center and radius of an arc from binarized image
hello this is what I can offer you today you will need the attached function (CircleFitByTaubin.m) , and this Fex submissio...

25 días hace | 0

How do i show the "delta" difference between the two plotted curves?
hello you need to "realign" your two data sets vs common x vector - in other words we need to creat a new x vector and inter...

26 días hace | 0

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Extraction of the spatial coordinates of a curve and calculation of the normal line to each of its points
hello tried a few things here As far as I have understood correctly your question, the points you are looking for are given ...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 1

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Put to white the plot space outside a geometric shape
hello have you checked that the colorbar is symetric around zero (to have white color correspind to zero exactly ? ) this re...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 1

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Error: unrecognized function or variable "bi2de"
Thanks to this post it was easy to (re)create the missing / unknown bi2de function (see end of the code) : Most efficient way to...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

comment afficher une image à un endroit spécifié d'un axe ?
hello Daniel you need to freeze your axes , otherwise you will not get the desired results here I simply used "hold on" after...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

Converting cell array with <missing> elements to numerical or double matrix
hello if you want to stick with readcell, you could do that : clc InputData=readcell('MATLAB_readcell.xlsx',"Sheet","Sample...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

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Is there a way to crop an array depending on the values that I want through a function as the values change?
hello try this : a = [0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1]; ind = logical(a); [begin,ends] = find_st...

3 meses hace | 0

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Slicing arrays and save it in the file
hello with your input data in attachment, try this code : % load data data = readmatrix('data.txt'); % or readtable if yo...

3 meses hace | 1

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Script has no errors, but no plot is given
again... let's fix it I cannot check here if e^(r(i)^2) (probably wrong) must be replaced by exp(r(i)^2) - I let you double ...

3 meses hace | 0

Use of eig(A) for eigenvectors
hello let's fix it 1/ had to remove the trailing end - there's simply no reason to have an "end" at the end of your code - p...

3 meses hace | 0

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The blank before var >0.5 cause error in R2016a
I don't think it has to do with a specific release I have the same result with R2020a now either you put no space or at least...

3 meses hace | 1

Remove harmonics background noise
I have some doubts we can recover a clean sinewave from that ... nevertheless I tried a few things ... first I decimated the sig...

3 meses hace | 0

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Hi I have Csv file for voltage and time data and I would like to compute spectrogram to to compute harmonics at different frequencies but my spectrogram looks so much noisy or
hello you may play with the colormap and also with the displayed dB range to focus on your signal tones and not the background...

3 meses hace | 0

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Plotting path of rods on a circular disk along a surface to deduce rack gear profile.
ok, I had some fun today with your exercise ... time to grind a bit the sharp edges though ! % a disk fitted with 4 rods d = ...

3 meses hace | 1

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Plotting while skipping the middle point in a vector
hello if you can avoid update the plot inside the for loop here I store your data in xx and yy arrays and after the for loop...

3 meses hace | 1

Rows interpolation in a matrix
hello you can use fillmissing for this task data = readmatrix("data.txt"); data(abs(data)<eps) = NaN; data_out = fillmiss...

3 meses hace | 2

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