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save_system command in python using matlab.engine is not working
Hi, I was facing a similar issue in MATLAB R2019b, upgrading MATLAB to the latest version helped me resolve the issue. I hop...

alrededor de 19 horas hace | 0

Is it possible to generate code for cloud computing platforms (i.e. Azure, AWS)?
Hi Victor, Yes, you can generate code from a Simulink model on a cloud computing platform. For more information on running MA...

alrededor de 22 horas hace | 0

Edit Code Initialization under Mask editor
Hi Jack, I faced a similar problem and found that there are two ways to save callbacks: either within the mask or in a separate...

alrededor de 23 horas hace | 0

Python interpreter became static and can't change it with PyVersion.
Hi Ajpaezm, Use the "pyenv" function to check the current Python environment and reset it if needed. You can reset the environm...

16 días hace | 0

can't run a python function from matlab
Hi Kfir, You could try these steps to troubleshoot the issue: Ensure that the Python environment set in MATLAB "pyenv" is corr...

20 días hace | 0

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python variable in matlab
Hi Joydeb, There are two ways in which you could load a '.npy' matrix in MATLAB R2017a: Write a custom python script to read t...

20 días hace | 0

pass multi-dimentional array to a python function from matlab
Hi Sabari, I encountered a similar issue with MATLAB R2020a and earlier versions. However, this issue has been resolved startin...

22 días hace | 0

random signals using wifi and bluetooth adapters
Hi, To transmit WiFi signals, you could refer to the section "Transmit App-Generated Wireless Waveform Using Radio Transmitters...

22 días hace | 1

Simulink model to .NET dll using MATLAB Compiler SDK & Simulink Compiler. new_system
Hi Rajesh, Assuming you are creating the Simulink model programmatically, here is the sample code that creates a Simulink model...

22 días hace | 0

Error launching in Ubuntu 18.04: Unable to launch the MATLABWindow application
Hi David, For MATLAB R2021a or later: This error typically occurs as the result of a CEF issue from missing libraries. For exam...

28 días hace | 0

How to control simulink simulation from python?
Hi Indhu, You can use the following code to open your Simulink model and run it using the "sim" function. To view the output af...

28 días hace | 0

the utilization of cpu and gpu is low, how to increase them?
Hi Yan, Make sure the "ExecutionEnvironment" is set to 'gpu' explicitly if you want to ensure the use of the GPU. Sometimes 'au...

29 días hace | 0

Cannot find specified version with pyenv function
Hi Yulin, Specifying the Python version number to "pyenv" function only works on Windows platforms. On other platforms, such as...

29 días hace | 0

How to pass an image from Python to Matlab?
Hi Rucha, The "getdata" method produces a flat list of pixel values, which loses the original 2D structure of the image. Attemp...

29 días hace | 0

What kind of function is the Parks–McClellan filter used?
Hi Zaref, The Parks–McClellan filter is a type of finite impulse response (FIR) filter designed using the Remez exchange algori...

29 días hace | 0

Simulink Support Package for Arduino Error: External Mode Open Protocol CheckData Command Failed
Hi, I encountered a similar error with my STM32 board. One possible cause is exceeding the available bandwidth of the XCP conn...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

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What should be done for the human voice?
Hi Mustafa, Let me go through each query one by one: The typical frequency range for human speech is about 300 Hz to 3000 Hz. ...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Errors are presented when matlab 2021b run non unbuntu
Hi, These errors may be caused by missing module, or MATLAB being unable to locate certain module. Please try the following tro...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Avoid Local Minima ngreyest
Hi Gianpio, You can run "nlgreyest" multiple times using different initial parameter values to explore various local minima. Al...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

I need to analyze a set of recorded data using wavelet transform from an accelorometer which include four variables, time and three axis (x, y , z). ps.(newb in MATLAB).
Hi Alcatraz, To analyze a set of recorded data from a file you could follow these steps: Import the ".mat" file containing acc...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Active overweight constraint in portCons
Hi Deepak, You can define custom constraints using the "portcons" function by specifying the "ConstType" as "Custom". For examp...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Reward in Reinforcement Learning Designer App not matching actual reward
Hi Julian, For the issue with the dashboard showing one step less, you might try the following: Ensure that the environment ob...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

sim neural network with imbalanced data
Hi Demet, Since you are experiencing poor performance with "sim" on the imbalanced dataset, here are some methods you can consi...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

using channels and getMeasurementsData in dsp.SpectrumAnalyzer
Hi Michael, I encountered a similar issue. As a workaround, you can use the GUI for the Spectrum Analyzer to obtain measurement...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

How to get Spectrogram of Signal for Googlenet Deep Learning
Hi, There are several improvements you can consider to enhance your classification results: Normalize your signals before gene...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

How can I use the BiLSTM network to forecast prices?
Hi Nazila, Given a 2-D matrix of size 700x9, where the task is to predict a price, you could use the following code structure t...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

How to Plot Decision Boundary for SVM
Hi Kamyar, To plot a decision boundary using an SVM model, you can follow these steps: Obtain the linear coefficients (Beta) a...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Export BUSES objects to a .mat file programmatically
Hi Juan, You can export bus objects programmatically in MATLAB by using a script to save them into a '.mat' file. Here is a sim...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

How can i share parameters between Model Variant blocks without the base workspace?
Hi MHoerner, Each model has its own workspace, which is isolated and acts as a namespace for that model. Variables in a model ...

3 meses hace | 0

How to program changing Masks to a variant subsystem?
Hi Joaquin, To change the mask parameters according to the variant you select from the variant subsystem, you can utilize the ...

3 meses hace | 0

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