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Generate random discrete test model


sys = drss(n)


sys = drss(n) generates an n-th order model with one input and one output, and returns the model in the state-space object sys. The poles of sys are random and stable with the possible exception of poles at z = 1 (integrators).

drss(n,p) generates an n-th order model with one input and p outputs.

drss(n,p,m) generates an n-th order model with p outputs and m inputs.

drss(n,p,m,s1, generates a s1-by-sn array of n-th order models with m inputs and p outputs.

In all cases, the discrete-time state-space model or array returned by drss has an unspecified sample time. To generate transfer function or zero-pole-gain systems, convert sys using tf or zpk.


Generate a discrete LTI system with three states, four outputs, and two inputs.

sys = drss(3,4,2)
a = 
            x1       x2       x3
   x1   0.4766   0.1102  -0.7222
   x2   0.1102   0.9115   0.1628
   x3  -0.7222   0.1628   -0.202
b = 
            u1       u2
   x1  -0.4326   0.2877
   x2       -0       -0
   x3        0    1.191
c = 
             x1        x2        x3
   y1     1.189   -0.1867        -0
   y2  -0.03763    0.7258    0.1139
   y3    0.3273   -0.5883     1.067
   y4    0.1746     2.183         0
d = 
             u1        u2
   y1  -0.09565         0
   y2   -0.8323     1.624
   y3    0.2944   -0.6918
   y4        -0     0.858
Sample time: unspecified
Discrete-time model.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also

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