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Generate random continuous test model




rss(n) generates an n-th order model with one input and one output and returns the model in the state-space object sys. The poles of sys are random and stable with the possible exception of poles at s = 0 (integrators).

rss(n,p) generates an nth order model with one input and p outputs, and rss(n,p,m) generates an n-th order model with m inputs and p outputs. The output sys is always a state-space model.

rss(n,p,m,s1,...,sn) generates an s1-by-...-by-sn array of n-th order state-space models with m inputs and p outputs.

Use tf, frd, or zpk to convert the state-space object sys to transfer function, frequency response, or zero-pole-gain form.


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Generate a random SISO state-space model with two states.

sys2 = rss(2)
sys2 =
  A = 
            x1       x2
   x1  -0.8429  -0.2134
   x2  -0.5162   -1.214
  B = 
   x1    0.7254
   x2  -0.06305
  C = 
           x1      x2
   y1       0  -0.205
  D = 
   y1  -0.1241
Continuous-time state-space model.

Generate a model with four states, three outputs, and two inputs. The input arguments to rss are arranged in the order states, outputs, inputs.

sys4 = rss(4,3,2)
sys4 =
  A = 
            x1       x2       x3       x4
   x1    45.92    1.332   -9.841   -18.02
   x2   -3.679  -0.8695    2.348  -0.8719
   x3     89.8   -2.097   -22.31   -28.27
   x4    79.49   -2.367   -19.69    -24.7
  B = 
            u1       u2
   x1        0  -0.2256
   x2    1.533        0
   x3  -0.7697        0
   x4        0  0.03256
  C = 
            x1       x2       x3       x4
   y1   0.5525  0.08593   -1.062   0.7481
   y2    1.101        0     2.35  -0.1924
   y3    1.544        0  -0.6156   0.8886
  D = 
            u1       u2
   y1        0   0.4882
   y2   -1.402        0
   y3        0  -0.1961
Continuous-time state-space model.

Generate a 4-by-5 array of SISO models with three states each.

sysarray = rss(3,1,1,4,5);
4x5 array of state-space models.
Each model has 1 outputs, 1 inputs, and 3 states.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also

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