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Compare Ways to Export Graphics from Figures

MATLAB® provides several functions for saving the contents of a figure or an app. Each function offers a different set of capabilities. This table provides a description of each function and some commonly used options. Use this table to decide which export function is appropriate for your workflow.

 exportgraphicsprintgetframe with imwriteexportapp


Use exportgraphics when you want to save a plot and include it in documents, emails, or presentations.

Use print when you want to save a plot within a full-sized page.

Use getframe with imwrite when you have requirements that the other exporting functions cannot accommodate, such as exporting to a BMP file.

Use exportapp when you want to save a user interface (UI) you created in MATLAB and include it in documents, emails, or presentations.


Export a plot in the current figure to a PNG file.


Export a plot in the current figure as a full-page PDF file.


Capture a plot with getframe and save it as a BMP file.

F = getframe(gcf);

Export an app window containing a button as a PNG file.

uif = uifigure;

Type of Content Captured

  • Plots and charts in a figure created with the figure function

  • Any type of axes

  • Legends, colorbars, annotations

  • Panels, tabs, tiled chart layouts

  • Plots and charts in a figure created with the figure function

  • Any type of axes

  • Legends, colorbars, annotations

  • Panels, tabs, tiled chart layouts

  • Any type of figure, including figures created with the uifigure function

  • Any content within the figure, including UI components

  • All content in the app window, including plots and UI components

Note: exportapp does not capture the contents of figures created with the figure function.

UI Component Support


exportgraphics does not capture most UI components, such as buttons or sliders. However, if you pass a UI container (such as a panel or tab) to exportgraphics, the function captures the plots in that container.

print captures UI components in figures created with the figure function. This functionality will be removed in a future release.

print does not capture the contents of apps created with App Designer or figures created with the uifigure function.



File Formats Supported

exportgraphics supports these formats:

  • Images: PNG, JPG, TIFF, and GIF

  • Vector graphics: EPS, EMF, and PDF

  • Animated images: GIF

print supports these formats:

  • Images: PNG, JPG, and TIFF

  • Vector graphics: EPS, EMF, PDF, and SVG

imwrite supports these formats:

  • Images: HDF4, PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, PBM, PGM, PPM, PCX, RAS, and GIF

  • Animated images: GIF

exportapp supports these formats:

  • Images: PNG, JPG, and TIFF

  • Vector graphics: PDF (Only UI components are stored as vector graphics; all other content, such as plots, are stored as images within the PDF.)

Multipage PDF Support





Cropping Control


exportgraphics crops the output tightly around the axes and any associated titles, labels, colorbars, and legends.


print captures all the contents of the figure, including the white space that surrounds plots and other items in the figure.

The rect input argument of the getframe function enables you to select a section of the figure to capture.


exportapp captures all the contents of the app window, including the white space that surrounds UI components and plots.

Full-Page Format Support


Full-page controls are available for PDF or hard copy output by setting certain properties of the figure. See the Tips section of the print page for more information.



Embedded Font Support

exportgraphics automatically embeds fonts in PDFs when the fonts are embeddable.



exportapp automatically embeds fonts in PDFs when the fonts are embeddable.

Width and Height Control


However, you can control the dimensions of the output by plotting into a tiled chart layout. See Specify Size for an example.

  • Page formats (PDF) — The PaperSize property of the figure controls the page size. The PaperPosition property of the figure controls the placement on the page.

  • Non-page formats (Images, EPS, EMF, SVG) — The PaperPosition property of the figure controls the dimensions of the image. The resolution input argument of the print function controls the number of pixels within those dimensions.


getframe captures the content to match the size on your display. However, imwrite has options for controlling how other applications display the pixels in TIFF and PNG files. Setting these options can affect the size of an image when it is rendered in another application.


Resolution Control

exportgraphics has a Resolution name-value argument for controlling the resolution of image files.

print has a resolution input argument for controlling the resolution of image files.



exportapp captures content at screen resolution.

Background Color and Transparency Control

exportgraphics has a BackgroundColor name-value argument for controlling the background color and transparency:

  • Colored background — Set BackgroundColor to a color value.

  • Transparent background (vector graphics file formats only) — Set BackgroundColor to "none".


However, before using print, you can set the background color and transparency by setting figure and axes properties:

  • Colored background — Set the Color property of the figure and the Color property of the axes to the intended color values. Then set the figure's InvertHardcopy property to "off".

  • Transparent background (vector graphics file formats only) — Set the Color properties of the figure and axes to "none". Then set the figure's InvertHardcopy property to "off".

getframe captures the background color of the figure and axes as they appear on screen.

For PNG output, imwrite has an Alpha name-value argument for controlling the transparency of pixels by location and a Transparency name-value argument for controlling the transparency by pixel values.


exportapp captures the background color as it appears in the app window.

Preserved Axes Limits and Ticks Values



To ensure that the axes limits and tick values match your display, set all of these axes properties to "manual" after plotting.

  • XTickMode, YTickMode, and ZTickMode (for 3-D)

  • XTickLabelMode, YTickLabelMode, and ZTickLabelMode (for 3-D)

  • XLimMode, YLimMode, and ZLimMode (for 3-D)

For more information, see Axes Properties.



Related Functionality

  • Axes toolbar — Export button

  • Figure menu — Edit > Copy Figure

  • copygraphics

  • saveas

  • Figure menu — File > Save As

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