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Navegación de drones

Pilote el dron Parrot

Cree un objeto Parrot usando parrot antes de usar funciones para pilotar el dron Parrot® utilizando comandos de MATLAB®.


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takeoffInitiate Parrot drone takeoff
landLand Parrot drone
abortEnd flight of Parrot drone
flipFlip Parrot drone in specified direction
moveMove Parrot drone in all six directions
movebackMove Ryze drone backwards (desde R2020a)
movedownMove Ryze drone down (desde R2020a)
moveforwardMove Ryze drone forward (desde R2020a)
moveleftMove Ryze drone left (desde R2020a)
moverightMove Ryze drone right (desde R2020a)
moveupMove Ryze drone upwards (desde R2020a)
turnTurn Parrot drone at specified angle

Solución de problemas

Troubleshooting Connection Issues Post Flight Crash

An advanced maneuver like flip can lead to a flight crash if the drone battery is low or if the ground clearance is not enough for completing the flip.

Troubleshooting Low Battery Warning

The low-battery warning indicates that the drone battery must be replaced.

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