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Interaction Control

Customize data tips, axes toolbar buttons, and other interactions

You can customize the interactions for your charts. For example, you can customize the axes toolbar buttons or the built-in interactions, such as panning and zooming. You can also add custom data tips or link the properties of multiple charts.


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Customize Data Tips

datatipCreate data tip
dataTipTextRowAdd row to data tips

Customize Toolbar Buttons

axtoolbarCreate axes toolbar
axtoolbarbtnAdd buttons to axes toolbar
addToolbarExplorationButtonsAdd data exploration buttons to figure toolbar
removeToolbarExplorationButtonsRemove data exploration buttons from figure toolbar
panInteractionPan interaction
rulerPanInteractionRuler-pan interaction
zoomInteractionZoom interaction
regionZoomInteractionRegion-zoom interaction
rotateInteractionRotate interaction
dataTipInteractionData tip interaction
editInteractionEdit text interaction (Since R2021b)
enableDefaultInteractivityEnable built-in axes interactions
disableDefaultInteractivityDisable built-in axes interactions
panEnable pan mode
zoomEnable zoom mode
rotate3dEnable rotate mode
datacursormodeEnable data cursor mode
brushInteractively mark data values in a chart
enableLegacyExplorationModesControl behavior of modes in UI figures (Since R2020a)
ploteditInteractively edit and annotate plots

Link Properties

linkaxesSynchronize limits of multiple axes
linkpropKeep same value for corresponding properties of graphics objects

Link Charts to Data

linkdataAutomatically update charted data
refreshdataRefresh charted data


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DataTipTemplate PropertiesData tip content and appearance
AxesToolbar PropertiesAxes toolbar appearance and behavior
ToolbarStateButton PropertiesAxes toolbar state button appearance and behavior
ToolbarPushButton PropertiesAxes toolbar push button appearance and behavior
ToolbarDropdown PropertiesModify drop-down menus in axes toolbar
CartesianAxesInteractionOptions PropertiesAxes interaction behavior for apps (Since R2023a)
PolarAxesInteractionOptions PropertiesPolar axes interaction behavior for apps (Since R2024a)
GeographicAxesInteractionOptions PropertiesGeographic axes interaction behavior for apps (Since R2024a)


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