Class: matlab.uitest.TestCase
Namespace: matlab.uitest
Perform choose gesture on UI component
performs a choose gesture on a UI component that does not require additional
information, such as a tab or a tree node. For example, use this syntax to
choose a specific tab, but use the previous syntax to choose a particular tab
from a tab group.testCase
Input Arguments
— Test case
Test case, specified as a matlab.uitest.TestCase
— Component to choose
UI component object
Component to choose during test, specified as a UI component object that supports a choose gesture. Components that support choose gestures include check boxes, knobs, switches, and drop-down lists.
Supported Component | Typical Creation Function |
Button Group | uibuttongroup |
Check Box | uicheckbox |
Discrete Knob | uiknob |
Drop Down | uidropdown |
Knob | uiknob |
List Box | uilistbox |
Radio Button | uiradiobutton |
Slider | uislider |
State Button | uibutton |
Switch (Rocker, Slider, Toggle) | uiswitch |
Tab Group | uitabgroup |
Toggle Button | uitogglebutton |
Toggle Tool | uitoggletool |
— Item to choose within component
depends on component
Item to choose within the UI component. The data type of
depends on the type of component being
tested. For example, if the component is a switch,
is a text or numeric value from the
property of the switch. If the component is a
check box or toggle tool, option
is a logical value.
For a table UI component with editable cells, option
could be a logical value or a drop-down item corresponding to the data
contained in the cell.
When a component has an Items
can be the value of an element in
or an index to an element in
. For example, for a default discrete knob,
you can choose 'Medium' using a value for option
is either 'Medium'
or 3.
— Component to choose without options
UI component object
Component to choose, specified as a UI component object that supports a choose gesture and does not require additional information. Components that support choose gestures include tabs and tree nodes.
Supported Component | Typical Creation Function |
Tab | uitab |
Tree Node | uitreenode |
— Target table UI component
Target table UI component, specified as a
object. Table UI components are
created with the uitable
— Indices of table cells to choose
N-by-2 array
Indices of table cells to choose, specified as an N-by-2 array. The shape
of indices
depends on the type of cell selection:
Discontiguous selection of one or more cells — An N-by-2 matrix, where N is the number of cells to choose. Each matrix row corresponds to the row and column indices of a cell to choose.
Contiguous selection of multiple cells — A 2-by-2 matrix specifying the boundaries of the block of cells to choose. Each matrix row corresponds to the row and column indices of a cell. The app testing framework performs a choose gesture on the specified cells as well as all cells between them.
Example: [1 2]
(single cell selection)
Example: [2 3; 2 4; 5 1]
(discontiguous selection of
three cells)
Example: [1 1; 3 3]
(contiguous selection of nine
— Cell selection mode
(default) | 'contiguous'
Cell selection mode, specified as 'discontiguous'
. This input provides information about
how cells are chosen within the table UI component:
— The app testing framework performs a choose gesture on only the cells specified by theindices
input argument.'contiguous'
— The app testing framework performs a choose gesture on the cells specified by theindices
input argument and all cells between them.
For more information about table cell selection, see Table
Choose Value on Discrete Knob
Create a discrete knob.
knob = uiknob('discrete');
Create an interactive test case and choose the 'High' knob value. An animated blue dot performs the programmatic choose gesture.
tc = matlab.uitest.TestCase.forInteractiveUse;
View the value of the Items
property on the knob.
ans = 1×4 cell array {'Off'} {'Low'} {'Medium'} {'High'}
Choose the 'Low' knob value by index. The knob moves from 'High'
to 'Low'
Choose Multiple Items in List Box
Create a list box and enable multiple node selection.
listbox = uilistbox('Multiselect','on')
listbox = ListBox (Item 1) with properties: Value: {'Item 1'} Items: {'Item 1' 'Item 2' 'Item 3' 'Item 4'} ItemsData: [] Multiselect: 'on' ValueChangedFcn: '' Position: [100 100 100 74] Show all properties
Create an interactive test case and choose items 1 through 3.
tc = matlab.uitest.TestCase.forInteractiveUse; tc.choose(listbox,1:3)
Choose items 1 and 3 using the values of the Items
tc.choose(listbox,{'Item 1','Item 3'})
Choose Slider Value and Verify Change
Create a slider.
s = uislider;
Create an interactive test case and verify that the value of the slider
button is 0
tc = matlab.uitest.TestCase.forInteractiveUse; tc.verifyEqual(s.Value,0)
Verification passed.
Choose a new slider value and verify the slider value changes. Since the framework mimics a user manipulating the component to an arbitrarily precisioned value, it is a best practice to use a tolerance to compare the actual and expected slider values.
expVal = 42;
Verification passed.
Choose Tab from Group and Verify Change
Create a figure with two tabs.
fig = uifigure; group = uitabgroup(fig); tab1 = uitab(group,'Title','Tab #1'); tab2 = uitab(group,'Title','Tab #2');
Create an interactive test case and verify that the selected tab title
contains the substring '#1'
tc = matlab.uitest.TestCase.forInteractiveUse;
verification passed.
Choose tab 2 and verify that the selected tab changes.
tc.choose(group,'Tab #2')
Verification passed.
Choose a Single Table Cell
Create a table UI component that contains a mixture of different data types. Set the ColumnEditable
property so that users can edit the data in the last column.
fig = uifigure; uit = uitable(fig); d = {'Male',52,true;'Male',40,true;'Female',25,false}; uit.Data = d; uit.ColumnName = {'Gender','Age','Authorized'}; uit.ColumnEditable = [false false true];
Create an interactive test case and choose the table cell with indices (2,2).
tc = matlab.uitest.TestCase.forInteractiveUse; tc.choose(uit,[2 2])
Clear the check box in the table cell with indices (1,3).
tc.choose(uit,[1 3],false)
Choose Multiple Table Cells
Create a table UI component that displays a 10-by-3 array of random integers.
fig = uifigure;
uit = uitable(fig,'Data',randi(100,10,3));
Create an interactive test case and choose the cells with indices (1,1) and (3,3).
tc = matlab.uitest.TestCase.forInteractiveUse; tc.choose(uit,[1 1; 3 3],'SelectionMode','discontiguous')
Now, choose the cells with indices (1,1) and (3,3) and all cells in between these cells.
tc.choose(uit,[1 1; 3 3],'SelectionMode','contiguous')
Version History
Introduced in R2018aR2024a: Node expanded callback executes when gestures programmatically expand tree nodes
To better mimic a user who must expand tree nodes to interact with a nested node,
the node expanded callback executes when you perform a gesture on a collapsed tree
node by using the choose
method. You can specify the callback by
setting the NodeExpandedFcn
property of the tree.
For example, perform a choose gesture on a nested node in a tree, and display the text of any programmatically expanded nodes.
fig = uifigure; t = uitree(fig); t.NodeExpandedFcn = @(src,event) disp(event.Node.Text); parent = uitreenode(t,"Text","Runners"); child1 = uitreenode(parent,"Text","Joe"); child2 = uitreenode(parent,"Text","Linda"); testCase = matlab.uitest.TestCase.forInteractiveUse; testCase.choose(child2)
If you do not want the callback to execute, preserving the behavior in R2023b and earlier, expand the tree node before performing the gesture. In this code, the callback does not execute.
fig = uifigure; t = uitree(fig); t.NodeExpandedFcn = @(src,event) disp(event.Node.Text); parent = uitreenode(t,"Text","Runners"); child1 = uitreenode(parent,"Text","Joe"); child2 = uitreenode(parent,"Text","Linda"); testCase = matlab.uitest.TestCase.forInteractiveUse; expand(parent) testCase.choose(child2)
R2021a: Perform gestures on table UI components
You can perform choose gestures in tests on table UI components. The
method has new syntaxes to test a choose gesture on a
single table cell or multiple table cells.
R2020b: Perform gestures on toggle tools
You can perform choose gestures in tests on toggle tools.
R2020b: Indexing order has changed in choose gestures within button groups
When you choose a radio button or toggle button using an index, the app testing
framework indexes into the Buttons
property of the
object. In previous releases, the framework indexes
into the Children
property of the ButtonGroup
object. For example, create a button group that has six toggle
f = uifigure; bg = uibuttongroup(f); tb1 = uitogglebutton(bg,'Position',[11 165 140 22],'Text','One'); tb2 = uitogglebutton(bg,'Position',[11 140 140 22],'Text','Two'); tb3 = uitogglebutton(bg,'Position',[11 115 140 22],'Text','Three'); tb4 = uitogglebutton(bg,'Position',[11 90 140 22],'Text','Four'); tb5 = uitogglebutton(bg,'Position',[11 65 140 22],'Text','Five'); tb6 = uitogglebutton(bg,'Position',[11 40 140 22],'Text','Six');
This table shows the outcome of the choose gesture on a toggle button that is
specified with index 2
Test | Starting in R2020b | R2020a and Earlier |
tc = matlab.uitest.TestCase.forInteractiveUse; tc.choose(bg,2) | MATLAB® chooses toggle button | MATLAB chooses toggle button |
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