Use the getCapsules function to see if the end effector, "tool0", has any collision capsules. Because tool0 is just a frame, it has no collision mesh to approximate as a collision capsule.
capsulesTool = getCapsules(capsIRB,"tool0")
capsulesTool =
1x0 empty cell array
Add a capsule to tool0, at a position 0.15 meters along the x-axis, with a radius of 0.15 and a length of 0.
ans =
collisionCapsule with properties:
Radius: 0.1500
Length: 0
Pose: [4x4 double]
Remove the capsule from the base link. Then, reduce the collision capsule size of tool0, and move it -0.05 meters from the previous position along the x-axis.
capapprox — Capsule approximation of rigid body tree capsuleApproximation object
Capsule approximation of a rigid body tree, specified as a
capsuleApproximation object.
bodyname — Name of rigid body string scalar | character vector
Name of the rigid body, specified as a string scalar or character vector. The rigid
body must exist in the rigidBodyTree object of the
RigidBodyTree property of capsapprox.
Example: "EndEffectorTool"
Data Types: char | string
idx — Index of collision capsule in rigid body nonnegative integer
Index of the collision capsule in the rigid body, specified as a nonnegative integer.
Example: 5
pose — Updated pose for collision capsule 4-by-4 matrix
Updated pose for the collision capsule, specified as a 4-by-4 homogeneous
transformation matrix defined with respect to the frame of the rigid body
Example: eye(4)
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