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Requirements Toolbox

Extract information about requirements added to a model with the Requirements Toolbox™ software

The Simulink® Report Generator™ includes components that obtain information about model requirements. These components require that you have Requirements Toolbox software installed.

Report Components

Requirements Documents TableInsert table of linked requirements documents
Requirements System LoopApply child components to systems with requirements
Subsystem Requirements TableRequirements links for current context
Requirements Block LoopApply child components to blocks with requirements
Requirements Summary TableProperties of blocks, systems, or Stateflow objects with associated requirements
Requirements Signal LoopApply all child components to signal groups with requirements
Missing Requirements Block LoopApply all child components to blocks that do not have requirements
Missing Requirements System LoopLoop only on systems and subsystems that do not have associated requirements
Data Dictionary Traceability TableInsert a table that links data dictionary information to requirements
MATLAB Code Traceability TableInsert a table that links MATLAB code to requirements
Simulink Test Suite Traceability TableInsert a table that links a Simulink test suite to requirements


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