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Simulink Model

Extract information from a Simulink® model

The Simulink Report Generator™ includes many components that obtain information directly from a model and include that information in a report. Using system-based components allows your report to reflect the current state of a model, without changing the report setup file. For details, see Report Components.


reportGenerate reports from Report Explorer setup files

Report Components

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Simulink NameInsert name of a Simulink model, system, block, or signal into report
Simulink Summary TableProperties or parameters of specified Simulink models, systems, blocks, or signals in table
Simulink Automatic TableInsert two-column table with information on selected model, system, signal, or block
System HierarchyCreate nested list that shows hierarchy of specified system
System SnapshotInsert snapshot of current system into report
System FilterRun child components if current system meets specified conditions
System LoopSpecify systems and subsystems on which to loop, as defined by parent component
Model LoopLoop on Simulink models and systems, as specified by child components
Annotation LoopRun child components multiple times for each Simulink annotation in current context
Model Configuration SetInsert active configuration set of a model into a report
Simulink Sample TimeInsert title of Simulink sample time into report
Model Advisor ReportInsert Model Advisor report or link to Model Advisor report for current model
Simulink Linking AnchorDesignate locations to which links point
Simulink Library InformationInsert table that lists library links in current model, system, or block
Model Change LogConstruct model history table that displays model revision information
Block Type CountCount number of each block type in the current model or system
Block LoopRun child components for each block in the current system, model, or signal
Block Execution Order ListCreate a list or table of all nonvirtual blocks in the model, showing order in which they execute
Scope SnapshotInsert images of scopes and XY graphs
Signal LoopRun child components for each signal contained in current system, model, or block
BusCreate list of signals exiting from Bus Selector block
C CallerInsert information about C Caller block contents
C FunctionInsert information about C Function block contents
DocumentationInclude content extracted from DocBlock blocks
Look-Up TableReport on lookup table blocks
MATLAB FunctionInsert information about MATLAB Function block contents
MATLAB SystemInsert information about MATLAB System block contents
Simulink Dialog SnapshotInsert snapshots of Simulink editor dialog boxes
Variable TableInsert table that displays all the variables in the MATLAB workspace
Insert VariableInsert variable values into report
Simulink Workspace VariableReport on workspace variables used in model, in loop generated by Simulink Workspace Variable Loop component
Simulink Workspace Variable LoopGenerates a model variable loop
Simulink Functions and VariablesCreate table that displays workspace variables and MATLAB functions used by reported blocks in Simulink models
To Workspace PlotCapture plot figure created in the MATLAB workspace
Simulink Data DictionaryReport Simulink data dictionary information
Simulink Data Dictionary LoopRun Simulink Data Dictionary child component for each Simulink data dictionary in specified context
Simulink Enumeration TypeReport on enumeration data used in model, in loop generated by Simulink Enumeration Type Loop component
Simulink Enumeration Type LoopRun Simulink Enumeration Type child component for each Simulink enumeration type in the specified context
Simulink Property TableInsert table that reports on model-level property name/property value pairs
Simulink PropertyInsert property name/property value pair for current Simulink model, system, block, or signal
Graphics Object LoopRun child components for each Handle Graphics object open in MATLAB workspace
Figure LoopApply child components to specified graphics figures
Axes LoopRun child components for all axes objects in MATLAB workspace
Model SimulationRun current model with specified simulation parameters


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