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Report Components

About Report Components

Include components in a report setup file to specify report behavior and insert content, such as tables, lists, and figures, into a report. Use the Report Explorer to add components to a report and to specify their behavior.

Use a combination of these types of components in your report setup file.

Component TypeDescription
Report Structure Components

Include a title page, sections, and other components to organize the content of a report.

System-Based Components

Include components that obtain information directly from a model to include in a report.

User-Supplied Information Components

Include text and graphics that you supply, independent of a model.

Dynamic Reporting Components

Set up dynamic control for when to include components and what information to report on for a component, based on data from a model or on other conditions that you specify.

Report Structure Components

To add a title page, use a Title Page component. You can include an abstract and legal notice information. For an example, see Add a Title Page.

To organize a report into sections, use Chapter/Subsection components. For an example, see Create a Section for Each Iteration.

System-Based Components

The Simulink® Report Generator™ includes components that get information from a model to include in a report. Using system-based components allows your report to describe the current state of a model. Once the setup file contains these components, you can generate the report whenever you want to capture the latest version of a model.

Property table components display property name/property value pairs for objects in tables. Summary table components insert tables that include specified properties for objects into generated reports. The tables contain one object per row, with each object property appearing in a column.

To use descriptive information from DocBlock blocks, use the Documentation component.

A few examples of system-based components include:

For examples of using system-based components, see:

The Simulink Report Generator also includes system-based components that contain model elements from the following Simulink products:

  • Stateflow®

  • Fixed-Point Designer™

  • Simulink Coder™

  • Simulink Check™

  • Requirements Toolbox™

User-Supplied Information Components

In addition to using system-based components to extract data from a system and insert that information into a report, you can also add content that you, or others, supply. For example, to include text, use the Paragraph and Text components.

To insert a graphic from a file, use an Image component. To insert ASCII text, use an Import File component.

To include notes about the report source files, use a Comment component.

For an example, see Add Introductory Text to the First Chapter.

Dynamic Reporting Components

Dynamic reporting components execute conditionally, enabling you to decide when a child component executes or how many times a child component executes. To control the report generation flow, use logical and flow components such as Logical If, Logical Then, While Loop, or For Loop.

A looping component runs its child components a specified number of times. There are several looping components, including logical loops, Handle Graphics® loops, and model and chart loops. For model and chart loops, you can control aspects such as the order in which the report sorts blocks.

For examples, see:

Format Control at the Component Level

The output format and stylesheet that you select for a report determines most aspects of the generated report formatting. For details, see Report Output Format.

In addition to stylesheets that control the format and layout of the report, for some components you can set properties to specify formatting details for that specific instance of a component. For example, for the Simulink Property Table, you can specify whether to display table borders or specify the alignment of text in table cells.

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