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Register Write

Write data to a register region on the specified IP core

  • Register Write block

SoC Blockset / Processor I/O


The Register Write block writes data from your processor algorithm to a register region on the specified IP core. In simulation, a timer-driven or event-driven task subsystem contains the Register Write block. The data signals from the Register Write block connect to the Register Channel block managing those registers and their transactions.

When developing or analyzing the software side of an SoC application, the Register Write block can be connected to an IO Data Sink block. In this configuration, the IO Data Sink block provides either previously recorded or artificial data, enabling a more directed simulation of the software and processor side of the application, without need to explicitly model the hardware and memory interactions.



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This port receives the data vector to write to the registers on the IP core starting at Offset address from the base address of the IP core.

Data Types: single | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | Boolean | fixed point


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This message port sends the output register data, as a message, to the connected Register Channel or IO Data Sink block. For more information on messages, see Messages.

Data Types: SoCData


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Select To output port to write data to the output port, msg. Select Base workspace to write data to a variable in the base workspace. When writing to the base workspace, the block updates the value of a Simulink.Parameter object with name set by Simulink.Parameter object name parameter in the base workspace. Select IP core register to write to an IP Core Register Read block with the same Register name parameter.


Placing the Register Write block inside a Initialize Function block subsystem, writes to a Simulink.Parameter object at the start of simulation. A register, represented as a Constant block, in an FPGA reference model can be initialized at the start of simulation with the value of the Simulink.Parameter object. This method of writing to FPGA registers requires a constant value throughout the simulation but can reduce the simulation time required by your SoC model.

Name of Simulink.Parameter object to be created in the Base workspace.

Example: A


To enable this parameter, set Output sink to Base workspace.

Name of register defined in an IP Core Register Read block located in the FPGA reference model.

Example: RegA


To enable this parameter, set Output sink to IP core register.

Enter the path and file name of the IP core device.

Enter the offset from the base address of the IP core to the register. The block writes data to this register. Use the hex2dec function when you specify the offset address using a hexadecimal number expressed as a character vector. The offset address can be selected using the Memory Mapper tool.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2019a